From a property manager point of view, I would not rent to someone from overseas. it is just too risky, you might take one look at it in the flesh and hate it, all that work getting paperwork and payment organised from overseas down the drain in one fell swoop with unhappy tenants and a vacant property again very quickly. Sadly, much more hassle than I'm prepared to risk, my job is stressful enough!

I did have someone enquire from the UK about one of my properties recently and I advised them to do somewhere short term and get here and look at areas, particularly as where she wants to move (Manukau) is a minefield of rough areas with the odd nice bit, she'd never know what she'd got until she got here if the agent isn't completely truthful and knowing some other agents, I'd say that would be a high possibility!

From a movers point of view, I did attempt to set something up before arriving but in hindsight I am so glad I didn't. I didn't know where I'd be working, how far and the method of my commute. This was with having lived here before too, I knew areas pretty well but it is still infinitely better to be on the ground to have a look.