ENZ – Getting the best out of life in New Zealand

Newcomers’ lives in NZ
Has New Zealand met newcomers’ expectations? Read the stories of real people who moved here.
Retiring to New Zealand
Is it possible to move here to retire? The answer is a definite yes… but.
49 shades – the pros and cons of NZ life
Before you even THINK about moving to NZ, read this
Where is it warmest? Where is it sunniest? Get climate data for NZ’s cities and towns.
The Right Moves
12 Healthcare Must Knows
Make sure you’re prepared for the health system: how do you access it? What do you need to pay for directly? When is treatment free?
Getting an Internet Connection
Learn what you need to know to get and stay connected, where to get the cheapest deal, and what internet speeds are available.
Jobs and Salaries
Get a Job
A comprehensive listing of job sources from all over the country.
How much are employees being paid in different sectors and different roles?

Buying a House
We help you negotiate the house buying process.
House Prices in New Zealand
What you should pay for a typical house in named cities and towns.
House Rents in New Zealand
What you should pay to rent different styles of accommodation in named cities and towns.

Cost of Living Calculator
Use ENZ’s cost of living calculator to discover the income you’ll need to support the lifestyle you’re hoping for.
22 Ways to Slash your Cost of Living
If you need to reduce your living costs, here are some fantastic NZ money saving tips.
Your Retirement Income
How can you generate retirement income in the land of the long white cloud?
Family Assistance Payments
If you have children there’s a good chance – even for people with above average incomes – that you’ll qualify for these payments. Find out how much you qualify for.
NZ Mortgage Rates
Our round-up of the mortgage rates available from some of the country’s biggest lenders.