- Medicals and Chances of Being Turned - Married to a Kiwi
- MA?? Will they notify me??
- waiting for medical assessors
- Liver Function Test - re-test needed
- SARCOIDOSIS...the man from delmonte he said YES
- Waiting over...we're in
- Repeated Urinalysis issues.
- Things to do to prepare for medicals
- High Gamma GT
- Bmi?
- WOOHOO!!! BMI under 35!!!!
- Did anyone else find the medical incredibly difficult and time consuming?
- Bmi
- medical expiry?
- Medicals / BMI etc
- Medicals in the US
- MA timeframe complaine
- ALT levels - more tests requested by MA
- apple shape and other family history!!
- Any experiences of children with physical disabilities?
- Medical Waivers
- Medical conditions - renal failure
- Liver function test - raised ALT and AST levels
- Low iron levels
- medical advice re cholestral
- Meniers. is it a problem?
- Females + medical- Advice please
- When do they insist on blood tests?
- Recommendation for Medicals in London
- Medical issue - hearing disability
- Denied entry to NZ due to pending medicals
- Doing research and worried about medical issues
- Medicals Cleared!!!!!!
- Doctors in SF Bay Area?
- Overweight Children
- Blood Test results
- Black ink for medicals?
- High Triglycerides
- don't use your family doc for medicals!
- Benign Gilbert's Syndrome MA?
- WTR to PR Medicals?
- Medical waiver granted!!!!!
- Enlarged Spleen and low platelet count
- X-rays and radiologist in USA
- Va Disability
- Dublin Panel Doctor
- Working out costs
- Denial Before Applying? Worth even trying?
- Previous problems with back pain and medicals
- x-ray film is big!
- Medical Waiver Timelines
- take 2 on medicals
- Sealed X-ray envelope
- Question re Diabetic Care
- Do I stand a chance?
- Recovering Alcoholic - emigration problems?
- Waist measurement
- Sealed envelope - required or not?
- AIP Approved..............Medicals Cleared :)
- How long to wait in UK for medicals?
- Family history of heart disease and more
- Follow up check - HbA1C 6.3%
- Blood test results and Q re: X-ray
- BMI fine, Waist measurement issue
- Medical Waiver
- High Cholesterol
- Waist measurement - Again
- will i get in if i have ms
- NZIMED views and feedback required
- Medical and Blood Tranfusion
- Unresolved medical condition
- Printed Results of Chest X-Ray
- Sleep Apnea?? Anyone??
- Repeat blood tests
- MA How Long