- BMI issues?
- Help - BMI and Waist
- Full Medical
- Medical in Birmingham
- Blood Count Fluctuate
- Ocd
- how to carry medicines to NZ?
- Borderline High Cholesterol
- Getting medicals done in NZ
- Slightly increased bilirubin levels.....worrying like hell!!
- How much do they hassle essential skills one year work applications for medical issues?
- Finally got my AIP....party timeeeeeeeeeeee...
- Medical waiver without ties to NZ
- The Medical Journey
- BMI & waist measurements
- No news still waiting - Fingers Crossed
- Anything else I can pre-empt for the MA?
- INZ Health-SMC- X ray report (need urgent help)
- Things to do and things not to do ahead of medicals
- Lever function Disorder - Referred to MA
- Panel Of Doctors
- Weight Loss
- radiologist lab reports
- Question about panel doctors
- Medical Forms
- Returning with children: DS1 mild aspergers, DS2 delays quickly resolving, plus a toddler
- Blood tests
- Have the medical results in my hands, but what to do now?
- Medical MA referred
- Different medical criteria?
- medical for 3 year old?
- WTR visa. Medical referred MA timings 1-2 weeks
- Bmi?
- Additional tests & Childrens?
- Medical Reports with MA
- Which is best way in NZ, Online or Paper Medicals?
- Advice on order of scheduling?
- Medical this Friday
- where in Auckland get the quickest medicals?
- Increased ALT Levels :(
- How do you know if medicals are cleared?
- Medical Assessor Review-Questions
- Daughter's Medical referred to MA
- medicals - significant finding (cancer 7 years ago)
- Medical in just over a week...
- Registered Disabled???
- Transplant advice for NZ Medicals
- Calcified Granuloma--really?
- Medical Assessor Doubts
- attache lab results???
- Oh the humanity...one more step
- Medicals in NZ
- Medicals and confidentiality?
- Daughter's Medical referred to MA [2]
- Medicals tomorrow-Form details
- BMI question
- Anyone awaiting MA feedback from London House?
- X-ray report slips
- Strung along by NZI Medical Assessors
- Panel doctors in London - advice needed
- Really worried about my medical :(
- Immigration Medical Recommendation Wellington
- Medical Approved !
- BMI, heart problem?
- Abnormal findings in Medical....???
- Smoking and chances of passing chest x-ray
- Puzzling Medical Reveiw
- Medical on Friday
- CO has been allocated, waiting for the decision (INZ London Branch)
- Further report required...great
- Probably just wasted the next four months because of a medicals delay.
- Additional test for wife
- Getting a Immigration Medical
- Where to put Medical details in Residency Apllication
- Mild Thoracic Scoliosis