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  1. Arrhythmia / cardiology - medical exam
  2. General medical questions
  3. Medical PPIs very vague
  4. Medicals - Panel Doctors?
  5. Medicals
  6. Permanent Residency Medical
  7. BMI - further medical tests?
  8. ES Work Visa to Skilled Migrant EOI - Medical
  9. Is diabetes an issue?
  10. Medical extra health information
  11. ASH with conditions
  12. Affect of parents residence visa medical on visit visa application?
  13. Partnership Resident Visa - Medical Issue
  14. Health Assessment Team - processing time?
  15. Acceptable Standard of Health
  16. Deafness during medical?
  17. Grading: B - Grading
  18. Medical for residence visa for newborn
  19. Partnership residence visa medical
  20. Medical assesment process - Residency from WTR visa application
  21. More info required work visa
  22. Adding an X-ray to old Medical?
  23. Partnership work visa medical issue
  24. INZ access to NHI (Ministry of health)
  25. Timing of Visa Processing Affected by Request for Additional Medical Info
  26. Partnership Residence medical
  27. Medical - Parent Retirement Investment Visa
  28. Accredited employer - work to residence
  29. Diabetes for post study work visa
  30. Residency and Student Visa for autistic child
  31. Chest X-ray in lockdown conditions
  32. Hep B and One Off Residence 2021
  33. Medicals for Accredited Employer Work Visa - (hearing impairment son with cochlear implants)
  34. Medical Furtherance - NZ Partner Resident Visa
  35. visual acuity worse than 6/36, can we success?
  36. Visa medical AEWV