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  1. health checks
  2. Immunisation records and medicals
  3. New medical requirements?
  4. Medical & Chest X-Ray Certificate
  5. Medical Costs!
  6. Medical Checks
  7. Liver function range
  8. What is the normal GGT?
  9. abnormal cervical smear test-will it affect medicals?
  10. Medical exam and X-ray cost in NZ
  11. Advice on failed medical
  12. fasting for blood tests?
  13. Diabetes - Referred to Medical Assessor
  14. High Cholesterol Question???
  15. Weight & BMI
  16. Survey - How Much Did Your Medicals Cost?
  17. Low cost Form 1007 Medicals in Wellington?
  18. New rule about BMI/Waist measurements?
  19. Teen with mild autism diagnosis
  20. diabetes type 1
  21. Colostomy
  22. North East medicals
  23. Medicals in West Midlands
  24. Cheapest medical
  25. Medical sent off to Medical Assessor
  26. WTR Liver ALT Test :-(
  27. Blood Test Abnormalities - your opinion?
  28. Super fast cholesterol lowering plan??
  29. Medicals done today - high blood pressure, problem?
  30. pregnant women X-Ray
  31. Raised ALT ,GGt
  32. Does anybody know who long the referral time is?
  33. Help understanding blood test results
  34. dyslexia ...urgent help needed
  35. anaemia - problem for NZIS?
  36. Crossed fingers
  37. Atrial Fibrillation
  38. X-ray-one or two views?
  39. Got blood work back with a problem
  40. would a work visa medical be easier to pass?
  41. Water consumption, liver enzyme test?
  42. And yet another speed bump...
  43. Where can I get a medical in Christchurch for work permit
  44. Medicals - In-laws Immigrating - Retired
  45. medical-second blood test
  46. Medical Questions
  47. Blood Test
  48. ORRS funding?
  49. Disappointing - Hep B
  50. drug testing
  51. Abnormal medical findings - IVF and Cholesterol
  52. What? More medicals after submitting them with ITA??
  53. medical forms - which colour pen?
  54. Doctors for medicals in Vancouver?
  55. Sarcoidosis
  56. Medical in Germany
  57. Raised blood pressure a problem?
  58. Anemia
  59. High alt result
  60. Will he be referred to medical assessor?
  61. Sarcoidosis - app deferred for 3months
  62. Medical Waiver - the consequences
  63. Fatty liver and high ferritin
  64. Any Idea about Creatinine Clearance Test (GFR Estimation)
  65. Its back!
  66. Cholesterol
  67. Medical terminology confusion
  68. Medical to be denied ... Hep C
  69. Medical Timings
  70. Diabetes - - experience with PR applications and diabetes?
  71. PPI for cost of medicine??!?!?
  72. Medical Waiver Declined
  73. Reasonably priced medicals in North of England?
  74. No Immigration for People W/ Chronic Illnesses?
  75. How much detail to provide?