- health checks
- Immunisation records and medicals
- New medical requirements?
- Medical & Chest X-Ray Certificate
- Medical Costs!
- Medical Checks
- Liver function range
- What is the normal GGT?
- abnormal cervical smear test-will it affect medicals?
- Medical exam and X-ray cost in NZ
- Advice on failed medical
- fasting for blood tests?
- Diabetes - Referred to Medical Assessor
- High Cholesterol Question???
- Weight & BMI
- Survey - How Much Did Your Medicals Cost?
- Low cost Form 1007 Medicals in Wellington?
- New rule about BMI/Waist measurements?
- Teen with mild autism diagnosis
- diabetes type 1
- Colostomy
- North East medicals
- Medicals in West Midlands
- Cheapest medical
- Medical sent off to Medical Assessor
- WTR Liver ALT Test :-(
- Blood Test Abnormalities - your opinion?
- Super fast cholesterol lowering plan??
- Medicals done today - high blood pressure, problem?
- pregnant women X-Ray
- Raised ALT ,GGt
- Does anybody know who long the referral time is?
- Help understanding blood test results
- dyslexia ...urgent help needed
- anaemia - problem for NZIS?
- Crossed fingers
- Atrial Fibrillation
- X-ray-one or two views?
- Got blood work back with a problem
- would a work visa medical be easier to pass?
- Water consumption, liver enzyme test?
- And yet another speed bump...
- Where can I get a medical in Christchurch for work permit
- Medicals - In-laws Immigrating - Retired
- medical-second blood test
- Medical Questions
- Blood Test
- ORRS funding?
- Disappointing - Hep B
- drug testing
- Abnormal medical findings - IVF and Cholesterol
- What? More medicals after submitting them with ITA??
- medical forms - which colour pen?
- Doctors for medicals in Vancouver?
- Sarcoidosis
- Medical in Germany
- Raised blood pressure a problem?
- Anemia
- High alt result
- Will he be referred to medical assessor?
- Sarcoidosis - app deferred for 3months
- Medical Waiver - the consequences
- Fatty liver and high ferritin
- Any Idea about Creatinine Clearance Test (GFR Estimation)
- Its back!
- Cholesterol
- Medical terminology confusion
- Medical to be denied ... Hep C
- Medical Timings
- Diabetes - - experience with PR applications and diabetes?
- PPI for cost of medicine??!?!?
- Medical Waiver Declined
- Reasonably priced medicals in North of England?
- No Immigration for People W/ Chronic Illnesses?
- How much detail to provide?