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  1. residence application paper documents
  2. "You do not currently meet the presence requirements for citizenship by grant. Check again in December 2021."
  3. Partnership Residence Visa - Update
  4. Passport expiry question
  5. Major changes to MIQ announced
  6. Australia Transit Visa
  7. Latest Citizenship Timeline - adults only
  8. Anoop
  9. 2021 Resident Visa - phase one. How did you get on?
  10. Citizenship online application | Identity Check
  11. Update for resident visa applicants and holders offshore
  12. Visa for relative?
  13. Refused Entry to Any Country - Failed to Declare
  14. New to forum started teacher registration family of 5
  15. Applying ESWV while waiting for 2021 Residents Visa
  16. PR INZ1175 Form Question
  17. NZ Passport timeline!
  18. Citizenship Timeline - Info
  19. I hold Permanent Resident Visa but my passport is going to renew while I am not in NZ
  20. Renewal of passport while waiting for citizenship application to be processed
  21. Applying for PR
  22. Talent Accredited Employer (TAE) Work to Residency and extension
  23. documents require for Permanent Resident Visa
  24. Critical Purpose Visitor Visa
  25. Non-disclosure of "convictions" in citizenship application
  26. CPVV for Resident Partner offshore fetch - URGENT
  27. Transfer of visa timeline
  28. Renunciation of malaysian citizenship
  29. Remote work on partnership visitor visa
  30. Travelling & Booking for MIQ
  31. Tests for Future visa applications
  32. Parent Retirement Investment Visa - updates?
  33. Multiple CO's
  34. International study visa
  35. Critical Purpose Visitor Visa - Processing Time ?
  36. Dependent child residence visa for adopted child
  37. 2021 Resident Visa phase 2 times
  38. Citizenship by Grant
  39. Acquiring a Visa as a British citizen
  40. CPVV or Partnership based VV?
  41. Evidence for living or have lived together !!!
  42. Transfer of visa to new passport/ Applying for 2021 resident visa
  43. Variation of condition
  44. Time frame for Ministerial Intervention.
  45. When to apply for PR
  46. Residency 2021 online
  47. Applying for Partner Visa while on Student Visa
  48. apply for AU - Tasmania island nomination program While waiting INZ
  49. Definition of Domestic Students
  50. Finally
  51. Citizenship application with detrimental information
  52. Family Emergency / Travelling while awaiting PR possible?
  53. Visa View issue
  54. PR Transfer question
  55. Resident Visa directly instead of a Job Search Visa is that possible ?
  56. 2021 Resident visa and VOC
  57. What should we do if we failed to meet Section 49 (1) under Investor 2 Cat
  58. Resident Visa holder entering and leaving NZ with different passport
  59. PPI issued- 2021 Resident Visa
  60. RV21 Phase 2 - Medicals
  61. GVV or Parent/ Grandparents Visitor visa
  62. Visa requirement for New Born Children
  63. Uk Passport for child
  64. 2022 May Visa Extensions Automatically
  65. Try to apply for the 2nd phase Residency 2021
  66. Renew passport after citizenship application is submitted
  67. Crititcal Purpose Visitor Visa
  68. Help please in checking my presence requirements - citizenship with travel since residency
  69. Presence requirement - Australian automatic residency, with periods of travel without VOC, does clock reset?
  70. Resident to permanent resident
  71. SMC appliations submitted in July 2020
  72. Change your name while waiting for citizenship application to be approved
  73. Resident to Permanent Resident & Renewing Passport
  74. Citizenship
  75. Petition of Victor Wellington: Remedial settlement sought from the Government for SMC and RFW victims