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  1. ITA received, question about documents required? :confused:
  2. Change to INZ fees
  3. English requirements for Partner
  4. Evidence that you have sufficient funds for General Visitor Visa.
  5. CO ,request blood test, no answer
  6. Employee verification SMC
  7. Further medical is last requiremen?
  8. SMC Approved
  9. SMC approved
  10. Change Skill Level 1 to Skill Level 2
  11. JSV offered, partner to apply to temporary visa?
  12. Partnership based Residence Visa
  13. Partnership Work Visa Declined - Washington Branch
  14. Approved!
  15. Finally approved
  16. original partnership evidence sent back
  17. Hamilton Branch SMC timeline
  18. SMC JSV Job Search
  19. Does immigration ask questions before declining?
  20. Immigration policy changes
  21. Planning to migrate. Where and How to Start.
  22. Skilled Migrant Category Job Offer Requirement - Really?
  23. (Temporary) Residency - What is life like without it? Only immediately through SMC?
  24. Applicable skills, experience and qualifications for SMC
  25. Need a job to get a visa and a visa to get a job - catch 22
  26. Offered permanent job - currently on WHV
  27. IT Jobs (Computer Programmer/ Software Developer) - How to find a job offer in NZ?
  28. Partnership based residency- suddenly heaps of questions to answer in a week.
  29. Leaving the skilled job after getting residence under SMC
  30. Query for IPENZ assessment for immigration
  31. What happens if ITA expires
  32. For all Approved Applicants
  33. Medical Checkup for Infant?
  34. Silver Fern 2015
  35. Migrant levy fee - Email
  36. Previous Deportation and immigration application
  37. Correct ANZSCO code for SMC
  38. Anyone got a ITA below points between 100 and 140.
  39. Essential Skills Visa and a partner
  40. ITA question
  41. EoI application & Online account question
  42. Traffic offences - work visa
  43. Applying for residency NZ
  44. CO said I should receive further update towards the end of this month.
  45. Partner work visa approved
  46. Understanding the wording of Visa Conditions
  47. Work visa timeframe application
  48. Struggling with ANZSCO Job Description - Enviro Scientist
  49. Doing a little work for old UK employer while working for new NZ employer
  50. SMC - Henderson branch
  51. SMC: question about Resident Visa fee?
  52. Visitor visa for wife and child
  53. Need help.
  54. Any IT Project manager in the queue ??
  55. Employee of a Relocating Company
  56. Should I return my passport ?
  57. Getting a job after lodging SMC
  58. Immigration Nz wellington branch
  59. Officer NOT convinced I'm doing a skilled job. :(
  60. Partnership requirements - stable and 12 months live-in
  61. Phone Call (Interview) - Skilled level 1 - Job in NZ
  62. Help: Unable to provide Police certificate !?
  63. No Response From CO
  64. The start of a long process - SMC
  65. Henderson branch 2nd person check
  66. Tax record issue, thank you all
  67. Residency approved online but i didn't get any letter
  68. Vistor visa question
  69. Job Offer pathway to Work Visa from a current Visitor Visa for a Year
  70. Pending Residency Application
  71. SMC - Skill Level 1 Job
  72. EOI Form help
  73. Resident Visa expiring soon while I'm oust of NZ
  74. Great news- Had the Residency approved email ( YAY) - Now what??
  75. s49 curiosity