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  1. Second or Subsequent resident Visa
  2. Adding New Born under resident Visa - Complication
  3. Claim bonus point with no qualification but with 8 years experience
  4. Visa
  5. Essential Skills Work Visa
  6. Permanent Residency under the Humanitarian Category
  7. Working Holiday visa to Skilled Migrant Residence visa - panicking!
  8. Police clearance certificates
  9. VV with children paper based or online
  10. Obtaining Philippines NBI Police Clearance from NZ. Anything to be aware of?
  11. Parthnership Visa
  12. EOI for Skilled migrant submitted January 17 and accepted
  13. Partnership visa
  14. Baby born in NZ
  15. Birth Certificates - Applying for Partnership Residency
  16. Incomplete Birth certificate to affect SMC residency ?
  17. Information about Permanent Residence
  18. Smc processing timeframe
  19. residency skilled migrant category
  20. Work experience certificates
  21. Student visa holder - visiting home during the first semester
  22. Work Experience References and Certified Copies for SMC
  23. Open University - BSc Honours (Open)
  24. Translating birth certificate
  25. Limit of times for partnership visa?
  26. Questions around Student Visa Sponsorship Rule changes.
  27. About Immigration Login Account
  28. AR Processing time
  29. Urgent Help Please !! Asking on behalf
  30. Is a job offer from a Labour Hire agency ( Like Adecco, Trade staff, etc) valid to apply WORK VISA- Employer assisted ?
  31. I received the below mail from the co, what does it mean? Thank you for your email. I have made a recommendation on the application but this needs to
  32. Hi blue sticker issue...
  33. Passport
  34. Visitor visa
  35. Current Work Visa Due to Expire
  36. Passport stamping - auckland central
  37. Resident visa not approved yet, and passport expiring
  38. Please help
  39. Ielts
  40. co assigned. ita submit in sep henderson branch
  41. Applying for Residency...What are my options if it takes too long?
  42. Partnership Work Visa Approved!!
  43. Citizenship By Grant (exceptional circumstances) Need advice!
  44. Resident visa approved
  45. Permanent Residency via "establishment of business" criteria
  46. Will I lose access to free or subsidised healthcare?
  47. Partnership Residency - Time living together-on hold application
  48. Minimum Time frame to be in NZ for Resident Visa?
  49. Ministerial Appeal
  50. statement of purpose for student visa new zealand
  51. Transitioning from Working Holiday Visa to Visitor Visa while Work Visa is processed?
  52. How to apply to a Partnership Work Visa?
  53. Contacting CO's Manager
  54. Change of case officer
  55. If I have an Essential Skills visa, must I take IELTS if I want to apply for Resident Visa?
  56. Offered job search visa instead of Resident Visa Jan 2017
  57. Panel Doctors
  58. Nsc
  59. Visa
  60. Important question about transitioning from work visa to PR
  61. NZ Resident, just married.
  62. CO Questions , 20Jan 2017
  63. Visa stamp in passport London office
  64. Visa for husband wanting to study...
  65. your visa application has been declined lapsed
  66. Essential skill visa-work and income
  67. Living together (Partnership)
  68. Permanent residency/citizenship
  69. Are Applications from the USA up? (Trump Refugees?)
  70. Employer Letter of support
  71. Using an emigration company or doing it yourself?
  72. Bringing Partner Along
  73. Permanent Visa
  74. PR application issues, Help!!!
  75. Washington passport stamping time frames