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  1. Question about Variation of conditions
  2. Essential Skill Work Visa Processing Time
  3. Emedical questions pls
  4. Best route to apply for visa?
  5. WTR Visa expiring soon
  6. Changed person paying for the past...
  7. Completing Partnership Work Visa Application
  8. Feeling confused and points help
  9. Changing job during SMC process
  10. Student visa Declined lapsed
  11. Permanent residency
  12. New Contract in the middle of Skilled Migrant Application
  13. Permanent residency
  14. employment document quality check
  15. Working remotely for NZ company from the UK
  16. Residency through partnership-confused!
  17. SMC offshore w/o job offer can get RV directly? or most likely to get a JSV?
  18. Transferring NZ Resident Permit on to New Passport
  19. Silver Fern Visa - Criteria of 2 years WE
  20. Dose anyone else apply for residency in NZ but case officer in London?
  21. Post Study Work Visa (Open vs Employer Assisted)
  22. Visiting Visa
  23. English language requirement for residency under Partnership category
  24. Bringing a dog to nz
  25. another resident visa while app in process
  26. Time CO taking decision on residence visa
  27. Length of contract vs duration of Work visa (employer assisted)
  28. New Rules for SMC
  29. Essential Skills Work Visa --- Help me please...
  30. Essential skills work visa --- SMC category Residency Visa..
  31. Lost UK Passport in NZ - Countersignature issue
  32. SMC - skilled employment issue
  33. Immigration advisor recommendation
  34. EOI selected March 1st 2017
  35. Document Submission after SMC Lodged
  36. Validity of e-medical and police cert - duration? Current Stage - CO allocated
  37. special direction at airport?
  38. Accredited Employer worker with Partner - Filing SMC application separately
  39. Transition from Working Holiday to Permanent Work Visa (work to residency)
  40. Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa
  41. Essential skill work visa....what is after?
  42. need clarification on behalf of my friend
  43. Police certificate for foreigners from China
  44. Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa Extension
  45. PhD students who have submitted an ITA application lets share here
  46. Any one applied as restaurant manager got delayed cases??
  47. Passport of New Zealander
  48. Partnership visa
  49. What if I quit under an employer tided work visa?
  50. ITA transfer from Auckland to London branch
  51. SMC Does employer need to prove they couldn't hire anyone in NZ?
  52. Photocopy of Work Visa Permit/Passport - Applying for work
  53. Anybody heard anything after replying CO's questioners?
  54. Partnership Headache
  55. My visitor visa application got decilned
  56. Travelling overseas after SMC application lodgement
  57. From Work Visa to Resident Visa (based on Partnership)
  58. SMC lodged in Nov, got a CO, but she expects me to have a permanent employment
  59. Survey of NZ Visa applicants who used Immigration advisers.
  60. Oia request
  61. Explain 'Expiry Date' of Travel conditions in Resident Visa
  62. (ICT related)What if my current job position is not perfectly matched with my qualification?
  63. Student Visa - When will i be allowed to enter NZ after visa has been granted
  64. Fee Paying student visa vs. Pathway student visa
  65. Student visa - mention intentions of living in Australia after studies ?
  66. Character concerns of SMC Application
  67. Student 's Partner
  68. Final evidence for Partnership working visa
  69. No Stamp in passport on arrival
  70. Share any experience regard iterim visa
  71. work experience as a cook in a small restaurant oversea
  72. Any initial entry date for partnership visitor visa?
  73. Manukau branch
  74. Visitors visa general declined
  75. Partners qualification points