Hi everyone
I am considering re-training in a different area (and possibly going on to do a PGCE and become a Maths Teacher). It's something I have been considering for a while now but since I already have a qualification in an area of Business & Economics I've never really had the courage to break away and follow my dream and leave my comfort zone . . . but while I'm home with my toddler I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to use the time wisely and re-study.
Thing is, as I'm a stay-at-home mum I wouldn't want to put my child in care during the day to attend classes and was considering doing an Open University Course. This seems like an ideal option as I could study from home and then only occassionaly have to go in for tutorials but with us desparately wanting to immigrate to New Zealand in the next 2 to 3 years I was wondering what NZQA feel about Open University degrees and qualifications (and their Flexible PGCE if anyone has gone through this route).
I know how sticky they can be with certainly qualifications and I didn't want to go down this route if it wasn't going to be recognised in NZ? Any advice you can give me would be grately appreciated.