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Thread: McDonalds Infiltration

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    P.P.S. Even more scary are those McDonald's fries that are found under the car seat over a year later without a hint of mould or decomposition - yuck!

    P.P.P.S. Even more scary that someone would own a car that hadn't been cleaned in over year !!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hawkes Bay, NZ


    I don't go to McDonalds for all the reasons exposed in the McLibel case.

    There is much that is very, very wrong about McDonalds on many levels but I'm not going to say anything because I saw what they were prepared to do to a couple of people prepared to speak out against them.

    My school does not have any Mcsponsorship.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kohimarama, Auckland


    Quote Originally Posted by westi View Post
    " the food is of poor quality made in poor working conditions by marginised members of society. In the book, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser uncovers very sad truths about McDonalds, such as the meat on one burger patty could contain over a hundred different cows. He also devotes a section the topic of this thread - the purposeful targeting of school program sponsorship to convert more addicts.

    These are the words of one person, who doesn't even live in NZ or the UK so possibly doesn't know how the business is run in these places. Different countires have different standards and guidelines but as an international company you can be be more confidant of their food hygiene and suitability for consumption than a smaller outlet.
    The ingredients of McD's burgers in NZ are not of poor quallity, they are all locally sourced and strictly quality checked. I don't know what he means by "marginalised members of society" either. Most of us need to earn a dollar or 2 and they are better employers than a lot I could mention. As for converting more addicts, although I know a few people who do like the occasional burger and fries I've yet to meet an " Addict ". It's not like they grab you as you're incocently walking by and force feed you untill you pop !!
    I's all down to personal choice and having accurate information
    I guess McDonald's get a worse rap than some other companies because they do have a higher profile. Is this due to the money and recources they give back to the community ?
    You seem to know a lot aout McDonalds in NZ? How is that? Where do you get your facts from?

    As for them being better employers than other companies .. that's a bit of hearsay opinion unless you work for them and are willing to vouch for how great they are ..?

    As far as I know there is no food outlet that force feeds you .. but there are companies who pollute their food with additives specifically designed to add palatibility whilst producing food using the cheapest ingredients possible .. I can't see anything good about that.

    Accurate information .. yep you get a lot of that at McDonalds

    If McDonalds get a bad rap because they are so well-known then I have the perfect suggestion for them .. they can STOP specifically targeting children as consumers and give all their donations without having to add their logo onto anything that moves.

    My 'beef' with McDonalds is that it is my right to make good choices for my family and I should not have to sit back and let them advertise to my child whilst they are at school about how great they are!


  4. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Cambridge, Waikato


    Come on Westi - are you the area manager for McDonalds Canterbury region? It's time to fess up!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I thought this forum was about giving people information about moving to NZ. Why all the political garbage. Move it to another board or do it via PM.

    This is the reason the forum in Cyprus got shut down due to too many expat ranting. Lets get back to being curteous to each other, like it was a year ago.

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Cambridge, Waikato


    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude at all, it was meant as a joke. I think this thread is relevant as it relates to an issue in NZ schools which is not something that would be encountered in the UK. I would hate to offend anyone and apologise if anything I have put has caused any offence. Sorry.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Frozen North


    We see this kind of thing here in North America (surprise!). In my humble opinion, the best way to deal with these issues is via education. It is never too late to teach the kids there are better and healthier products to eat and drink. You can never make the world free of advertisers and there really is no need for that. It is all about personal choices and decisions. Get informed, do what you think is best for you and the family, simple.Regards

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelonthemove View Post
    I thought this forum was about giving people information about moving to NZ. Why all the political garbage. Move it to another board or do it via PM.

    This is the reason the forum in Cyprus got shut down due to too many expat ranting. Lets get back to being curteous to each other, like it was a year ago.
    I think that's a bit extreme! There have often been debates on here in the two years I have been a member, and, as is the case with this thread, people give their views in a very courteous manner! I think it's a really interesting thread that has caused food for thought. If people can't give their views, there's little point on having a forum. As has been pointed out, this thread is relevant to New Zealand!

    Ex-pat ranting??? I have seen the odd case of that on this forum in the past, but certainly not this particular thread!

    If a thread doesn't interest you, then don't read it!

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I was raised in New Zealand and Ronald McDonald was doing the road safety thing when I was a at least 15 years. At least they are doing something that helps the community (and helps them too of course - they're a business in it to make money)....if Ronald McDonald helps drum road safety into my children I'm glad. It sure won't make us go to McDonalds all the time. I don't feel it's a problem as long as they aren't handing out McD's at school all the time.


  10. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    North Shore, Auckland


    Willowshouse - just wondered how it all went with this, did you get anywhere? Or are you now an official 'troublemaker'?

    One of the parents had a different issue with something at our school recently and it was actually her daughter who wrote a letter to the head and the class teacher explaining why she felt it was wrong. It turned out to be very effective!



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