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Thread: McDonalds Infiltration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kohimarama, Auckland

    Angry McDonalds Infiltration

    Just noticed this morning that my daughter's school uses Netballs sponsored by McDonalds

    I HATE McDonalds and all they stand for .. this is the third time my daughter has 'encountered' them at school (that I know of) in 6 months and I am more than a little mad.

    The first encounter was when my 7 year old came home with a 'Poem' in her poetry book all about "My trip to McDonalds" ..

    "I love it when my Mum takes me to McDonalds, it is such a treat. We play in the playground there and it is so much fun. I have a cheesburger, fries and a shake and my brother has chicken nuggets ... blah blah blah"

    The second time was when good old Ronald McDonald came to teach the kids Road Safety .. I mean who else would you choose .. he is so pigging perfect for the job!! Come on people ..

    I realise that I have brought all my UK right-on angst with me .. but am I the only one to think that this is entirely WRONG! Does anyone else have this in their school? .. ask your kids before you say no because they don't advertise it.

    My daughter knows McDonalds is rubbish, she is obviously too young to understand the 'bigger picture' but she does at least understand that the food is bad for you and one of the main reasons for that is that it is cheap to produce. I just resent that McDonalds can get away with polluting our kid's heads whilst they are in school of all places.

    Feeling very down now .. don't feel able to speak to the Head about my concerns as I've already had my head bitten off once for something else. My daughter has to bring in an interesting fact once a week and I woud love to send her in with a few home truths about McDonalds but the 'good parent' in me thinks it's not such a good idea to use your child in that way.

    I know we've had discussion on this forum about how it's nice to leave behind political correctness but I wish some of it would make it's way over here because this would not happen in a school in UK... would it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hawkes Bay, NZ


    AFAIA NZ has the highest number of MacDonald's per head of population. I am also very anti-McD and generally anti-corporate sponsership of schools in general.

    As a rule I think I would accept corporate sponsership of extra curricular activites because NZ IS a poorer country than UK, no doubt, but I'd be very unhappy with the poem as that's allowing advertising into the classroom and I think learning and education shoudl be free from advertising.

    I don't think it's a PC issue btw.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Canterbury, NZ


    LOL, I agree with you, bit like NZ is trying to copy USA??

    BTW, My children haven't been to Mcdonald, KFC, burger king etc!! Got prefect excuses to go there, food allergies

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I think you should be able to approach the Head with your concerns, ask what their policy is regarding learning materials and aids. I would also want to know how much sponsorship they get from McD's.

    What on earth is the learning goal from 'the poem'. If you get your head bitten off again - ask for a copy of their formal complaints procedure and follow it - assure them you will take it furthur if having exhausted it you are still not satisfied.

    Such blatant advertising beggers belief - I'm totally with you on this one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Wellington (from Beds, UK)


    things are at least moving in the right direction

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Just wanted to say that I am totally in your corner on this. I am appalled at the use of McD's in school or existing in general....there's much I could say but will not get myself worked up right now. So many people are oblivious to McDonald's bad bad bad karma; I think schools don't care because McD gives them kick-backs for promoting them. It all boils down to money.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kohimarama, Auckland


    Quote Originally Posted by Trigirl View Post
    things are at least moving in the right direction
    Thanks Trigirl!

    Now that is interesting .. the article is dated October 2006 and claims that the Police have ended their sponsorship with McDonalds, but my daughter's Road Safety 'lesson' was in December. I hope hers was one of the last ones carried out.

    I'll print that out and give it to my daughter .. she has to take in news articles for discussion!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    I'm not aware of any such sponsorship in the girls' school, but I'll ask them!

    I think it's appalling - particularly the poem. I would have probably said something. My kids haven't had McDonalds at all in NZ and they've stopped asking as they know the answer will be 'no'.

    I really don't think it would harm to speak to someone at the school about it - I'm sure there will be other concerned parents.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    QLD(NZ-Greenhills-E Linc-UK)

    Default Food corporations

    Hi I agree with you, in some respects - its all well and good them sponsering stuff - they could sponser sports - Since they are contributing to the nations obesity and Make it a point of highlighting that eating too many Burgers/Fries - and Shakes (the worst of the offenders in my opinion) is bad for you!

    Has anyone noticed Ribena's crawling ad on tv after their expose on their Vitamin C?

    It made me chuckle - talk about trying to justify it as a simple testing error!

    I didn't buy it anyway - as the kids hated it!

    PS I don't go to McD's either - rather save my pennies! and if I do treat Jason its a Burger King


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Cambridge ex- Liverpool


    Nope not pc at all, annoying, and if it happened at my kids school I would have to say something. I understand schools want money but it is morally wrong for an American burger joint to go around getting into kids minds like this. How about a letter to Helen Clarke if you get no joy from the school, I reckon it is worth it because things like this shouldn't be allowed. How many other people on here have come across this, it would be interesting to know?

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