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Thread: High Cholesterol Question???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default High Cholesterol Question???

    Hello, I am currently in NZ...I came on a visitor's visa and recently got a job.
    So I am heading to NZIS to lodge my WP application, so I got my medicals this week, and to my big surprise I got high cholesterol (Limit 5, I got 5.8) and tryglicerides (limit 2, I got 2.1).
    I cannot wait and have them redone or anything because I need to start work I will have to turn them in as they are...
    Everything else is funny family history, x-ray fine, blood test fine...etc.
    And now that I read lot's of your threads...I don't even know why I had to get the fasting lipids and glucose cause BMI is <30...but they made me take them.
    The thing is that just because of this the nasty doctor ticked the "Signficant or abnormal findings" box in the form...and I am worried...I tell myself not not such a big deal, I mean I am not going to be a burden to NZ medical systems or a threat to public health.

    So...has anyone been in situation like this?? Should I be worried??

    I know this issue has probablu arised a zillion times...but please for my mental health in the next weeks...indulge me


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hawke's Bay - Cardiff...ish!


    Hi Gaby, sorry I can't answer your question but I sure it's nothing to worry about. Have a look at the link below which is search results for this topic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Thanks so much Willsken...I've also been reading the NZIS operations manual, and apparently something like this is not such a big issue when applying to a work visa (a different story when it's on a residence one)...for what I've read they're concern is if you're going to cost them money for the lenght of your visa (which is for WP at most 3 yrs) and with only a little high cholesterol, and no other risk factors...I seriously doubt they assess I'll have a heart attack in the near future.
    So I gues I'll be alright.
    Asides from immigration got me quite worried to find about this and I've stuffed my fridge with soy-milk, non-animal fat products, and lots of fish and also got Omega capsules, tomorrow I'll take up running (well at least walking)...this only happens to me once By the time I apply for my PR I expect everything to be pristine on my medicals
    Any other suggestions I should apply to help lower my cholesterol?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Arizona to Paraparaumu

    Default High Cholesterol

    Hi Gaby,

    I don't know the scoring system you're referring to. Here in the US my cholesterol was through the roof, particularly LDLs, and BP was borderline high. However my BMI was in the high normal range. I was VERY worried about this causing problems for me. I cut back on cheese, started eating more oatmeal with lots of blueberries, took some supplements and continued with my 3-4 day a week/1hr per session exercise program to lose about 10 lbs.

    As a result, without going on any drugs besides the supplements, I was able to knock 95 points off of my total cholesterol score, and LDL score, reduce my triglycerides (which were fine already) by half.

    The wanted more info on my follow up blood test so I had to give them that information, but it seems we've passed medicals now and our Visa Officer is reviewing the paperwork.

    So I don't think you have to worry too much, especially if you can get another test to see if you're able to drive it down after modifying your diet and exercise.

    BTW, one of the supplements I took is manufactured in Christchurch. PM me if you want more details.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    New Zealand

    Default In the same boat as you Gaby!

    I am in the same boat as you. I have been waiting and wondering about why should something as simply a high cholesterol stop me from a getting a work visa when otherwise I am in great health.

    I have not submitted my EOI yet, but if I did so then I'd have 215 points!!! It seems odd that I am getting nickle and dimed for something like high cholesterol when otherwise I feel healthier than I have ever felt in my life!!!

    I am in need a voice that understands my frustrations in this process. I was supposed to begin my job on June 18th.. now it's looking more like July 18th if things go fine from here on out

    One note, the week I applied for me 24+month visa, 9 of the 10 applications recieved by this consul office had to be medically referred to the NZ doctors. Amazingly scary isn't it?

    Feel free to write me a PM as so we can exchange stories and even talk on the the phone.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Hi, thanks a lot for your responeses...
    My permit appl went in last week, and yesterday I was e-mailed to be told that my medical certificate was submitted to the medical assesor.
    I haven't been asked for more tests...yet.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    The doctor who did our medicals did a random test on me and my cholestrol was up to 6 and he rang in the eveing to let us know and to see my GP. My GP said that it was no a problem and wrote a letter for me to say that it was a random test and I hadn't got Ischaemic Heart disease nor was my BP high so he was not worried. I did't get any query about it. I should thing that yu haven't got anyting to worry about

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    We put our application in when we were in NZ and took it ourselves to Hamilton. We received a file with all the info in less than a week addressed to my sons house over there. They had said that everything would be sent to London. We have since had another letter (to son's address) asking for more details on my health. We have seen the cardiologist and the vascular surgeon and they have both okayed it and we are just waiting now for the cardiologists report so that we can send them both off to Hamilton. Does anyone know if they will continue communicationg with us over there or over here. I have heard that the process is much quicker now so we are hoping that it won't be delayed if everything is sent back to London. Has anyone any ideas on this

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    California/Calabasas Hills


    Hi guys: I am healty 130 pound ( 57kg) running 4 miles every day!
    However my cholesterol score was high at the last check up.
    ( i guess I eat too much cheese)
    Anyhow: I started drinking a tea and my score dropped and establisied for about 4 months now.
    Here is the tea info:
    Triple leaf ancient chinese medicals: "Cholesterid"
    herabal dietary supplement (chinese black tea)

    Good luck and no more junk food !

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