Hello, I am currently in NZ...I came on a visitor's visa and recently got a job.
So I am heading to NZIS to lodge my WP application, so I got my medicals this week, and to my big surprise I got high cholesterol (Limit 5, I got 5.8) and tryglicerides (limit 2, I got 2.1).
I cannot wait and have them redone or anything because I need to start work ASAP...so I will have to turn them in as they are...
Everything else is perfect..no funny family history, x-ray fine, blood test fine...etc.
And now that I read lot's of your threads...I don't even know why I had to get the fasting lipids and glucose cause BMI is <30...but they made me take them.
The thing is that just because of this the nasty doctor ticked the "Signficant or abnormal findings" box in the form...and I am worried...I tell myself not to...is not such a big deal, I mean I am not going to be a burden to NZ medical systems or a threat to public health.
So...has anyone been in situation like this?? Should I be worried??
I know this issue has probablu arised a zillion times...but please for my mental health in the next weeks...indulge me