Quote Originally Posted by Danpoll
I have heard from various sources of the maori social problem, that gang wars and social drinking cause a lot of issues.
There aren't really any gang 'wars' going on here, haven't been for years, but they do sometimes have what would be called skirmishes - that is, a car load from one gang may have a barney with a car load from another gang. Occasionally a few shots may get fired, but it's usually knives or 'blunt instruments' that are used.

Are maoris an oppressed population which would only cause the spiraling effects from that.
Hardly oppressed - although some of the radicals still seem to think they are! However, Maoris do account for about 40% of the prison population, which is a lot when they only make up about 10 - 12% of the general population.

I was thinking the other day that how difficult it must be to get drugs into New Zealand.
It still happens at most airports, but most of it gets intercepted now.

P, or methamphetamine based drugs, are the current major problem here, especially since almost anyone can manufacture them at home. The gangs are big players in P manufacture.