I Thought I would look into Maori words and what some of the sayings Kiwis come out with to try and make it easier for you.
Aotearoa : Land of the long white cloud(Maori name for New Zealand)
Haere mai : Welcome
Haere ra : Goodbye
Hangi : Traditional way of cooking food. This is where the food is cooked in the ground.
Hapu : Sub tribe
Hongi : To press noses. This is the formal greeting.
Hui : A meeting to discuss a special topic.
Iwi : Tribal people
Kai : Food
Kaiako : A teacher
Ka pai : Good
Kawa : Customs
Kia ora : Maori greeting, also used as an expression of grattitude and agreement.
Kura : School.
Mana : Prestige,status, authority.
Marae : A Maori communal meeting house.
Me : And
Mihimihi : Greeting.
Pakeha : The Maori word for non Maori people.
Rangatira : High ranking person.
Reo : Language.
Tamariki : Children.
Tangata whenua : Local people of the land.
Tangi : Funeral.
Tapu : Sacred.
Tena Koe : How do you do ?
Te Reo : The Maori language.
Tiriti : Treaty.
Waka : Canoe.
Wananga : University.
Whanau : Family.
Whare : Meeting house on a marae.
Whenua : Land.
There are so many more Maori words but these are a few general ones. I will be putting somw Kiwi Slang next.
Dave and Caroline