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Thread: Foundation degree

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Exclamation Foundation degree

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help,

    I have a UK Foundation Degree from Derby University, and i would like to know if anyone has had a Foundation Degree assessed by NZQA. Will be sending it to them but, don't know if i am wasting time and money.

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    down in the dumps


    I dont think that you will get any bonus points for a foundation degree but you may get the 50 points.

    Hopefully someone will be along soon to help further.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southampton, UK


    Hi Beccalou

    I'd be interested in hearing what the outcome is from your assessment.
    I've got a FdSc from Portsmouth Uni and beginning to be worried it won't be recognised!
    Any joy?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hi, this is my first post and am also interested in clarifying what status a foundtion degree has with regards to the admission points system. Don't know if anyone can help but I am looking to embark upon a teaching career in the early years in NZ. I graduated last summer with a foundation degree in early years education/studies at Warwick University and am presently studying for a the early years education degree with honours, (1 more year to go). I have 10 years experience of working in this area, the last three as an independent class teacher. Looking at required qualifications for jobs in the early years in NZ it states 'qualification in early years education at level 7 required' Any ideas how foundation degree fits into the equation? Any advice/help much appreciated.
    Thanks Nikki.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I don't know the answer to your question, Nikki, but hello and welcome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southampton, UK


    Just to clarify if anyone else is still interested....
    I had my foundation degree in wildlife management pre assessed by NZQA and came back with equivilant to Level 6. Therefore by my maths that gives you 50 points.

    Hope this helps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Auckland, NZ


    Quote Originally Posted by forstalls View Post
    Just to clarify if anyone else is still interested....
    I had my foundation degree in wildlife management pre assessed by NZQA and came back with equivilant to Level 6. Therefore by my maths that gives you 50 points.

    Hope this helps
    Thanks forstalls! I'm Nikki's OH and she's out having her hair done at the time of writing but I'll pass that info on. Just now wondering how knowing that information helps as far as the official points system, or more importantly NZ's web based points calculator, is concerned? If someone has a foundation degree in an area of absolute skills shortage and has in excess of 6 years relevant experience, based on the 'Level 6' is that likely to be enough?

    Nikki is having a torrid time of it at the moment carrying on with her teaching degree whilst working so I know that any positive information concerning her already having enough qualifications would cheer her up no end.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southampton, UK


    Hi Steve

    By the sounds of it, Nikki and I aren't in too dissimilar situations.
    As far as I'm aware, (and this is how I have worked it out and if I'm wrong i hope someone sets me straight soon!) is that with the level 6 that gives you the 50 qualification points. 6 years experience related to that qualification or skilled job as long as you can prove it, is another 20 points, bringing you to 70 points closer to the pool (not sure what other points you may be claiming).
    I had my qualification pre-assessed as I'm halfway through my FE PGCE and wondered if I REALLY needed it to get me in. As far as I see it, I think I will have to complete it as my experience is related more to my current (and possibly future NZ role) as a FE lecturer.
    The only downside to that is I've heard it can take up to 9 months for the NZQA to do a full assessment on a PGCE (not sure about her degree though).
    But if the skills shortage list says a level 7 qualification and she's trying to claim bonus points for the job on the list, she will need to continue her studies by the sounds of it.
    Only other thing I can think to add is if she has a qualification already, experience and can find a job offer based on those, she should have enough points to go (120+) and possibly be pulled from the pool.

    Anyway, hope this makes sense and might help.
    Best of luck to you both

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Smile foundation degree

    Hi Kerry,
    Thanks for the info. At present I am halfway through my honours degree in Early Childhood studies, but was hoping not to have to rely on it!! As early childhood educators are on the long term shortage list, I was hoping I may get more points as that is the area I have 8 years experience in and that is what my foundation degree was. I am faxing my pre-assessment later and will keep my fingers crossed! We are also planning a trip over to NZ in October and I intend to visit some infant schools and pre-schools for first hand advice, you never know! Thanks again and good luck with your studies.
    Nikki x
    Last edited by sheepynik; 2nd June 2008 at 09:19 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Wink Foundation Degree/early Years Education

    Hi to anyone looking for info on foundation degree. Have just recieved results of pre-assessment from NZQA, the outcome of which was a 'level 6'. According to the levels table, when I complete my BA Honours degree next summer, i should be at 'level 8', if I've interpreted it correctly.
    Based upon this info, can anyone enlighten me as to whether I could get a job in early years education with a 'level 6' qualification or do I require further qualificaions? I intend to continue with my final year of the honours degree whatever as I've come too far to quit now, despite the stress caused by the whole experience!
    Any info on working in early years will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Nikki.

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