Sorry I saw this post just today.
From personal experience I can attest that eating at least 2 cups of oatmeal a day lowers cholesterol by a significant amount.
One of my biggest worries for the medicals for the WHV was that I have been treated for the past 3 years for triglyceridimia.. a condition which usually is accompanied by elevated levels of cholesterol (the trigs are a form of cholesterol too anyways). Normal levels are 150 mine were almost 1000 .. lets just say my doctor actually told me she wondered why I wasn't dead if this had been going on for a year or more.
My cholesterol level back then turned out to be just a bit under the 'too much for your good' level but it wasnt in the danger zone.
I was given a medication for the trigs which I was told does not affect the levels of cholesterol... I had to lower those some other way.
So aside from taking that trig medicine I started taking Omega-3 supplements (fish oil), changed my diet to be omega-3 rich (salmon, tuna) and Niacin rich (pasta) with low fats (meaning beef and pork twice a month only).
3 months later the blood test came back with much better levels of trigs and my cholesterol had gone down a bit but not much. Bear in mind I do zero exercise which I know is part of a problem. Im a stubborn idiot anyway.
After that, I started taking oatmeal twice a day on top of the above changes. 3 months later the cholesterol came back slightly LOWER than normal levels. Talk about a shocker.
So now I very happily can have beef and pork once a week and my cholesterol level remains normal. The trigs have been under control since then and thankfully the NZ immigration officer didn't give me hassles about it for the WHV.
Note you have to consume the real oatmeal.. meaning the flakes.
This one:
Most adults have issues with milk products so you can eat it with orange juice (tastes rather good if the orange juice is warmed up.. no joke), you can put them in a blender and whirl them into fine powder and use it as condiment for your foods or salads.. just get creative. The whole point is to get that in your gut so the cholesterol goes down.