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Thread: Help understanding blood test results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Help understanding blood test results

    Hi Guys,

    We have just received our medicals back and although our doctor has stated that everything is fine with no significant or abnormal findings, we are concerned as some of our blood test results are slightly outside of the normal ranges. Specifically OH's ALT & GGT - all other LFT tests are fine.

    Do the CO's review the blood test sheet and refer you for anything that is outside the norm or do they take into account the panel doctors view??

    Would just like to know what everyone else's experience has been on this before I put OH on an alcohol ban and a diet of water, pulses, lentils and mungbeans for the next three months!!!

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Palmy- from US


    My OH has slightly abnormal liver function. I believe he has high billirubin. It wasn't a problem. More than likely if it was slightly off normal and the doctor says everything is fine then there won't be a problem.

    But if you're really worried put your OH on the diet... and keep us updated, I'm curious how your OH take it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kaitaia, NZ


    Hi Jenny,

    I really don't think you've any problem to be hones if the panel doctor has stated no significant findings on your medical. AFAIK the CO's will refer you on the basis of the advice of the panel doctor anyway, although if I am wrong I'm sure someone will correct me soon!

    There are LOADS of threads on abnormal LFT results on here as it seems to be pretty common. If you do a search you'll be able to see for yourself. My LFT results came back abnormal with the same readings as your hubbys being out of range. I was referred to the MA as the doctor had to declare significant findings, various other tests were called for, scans and specialist reports etc, but everything worked out fine in the end, and we're here in NZ now.

    Raised ALT and GGT levels can be for so many reasons anyway, alcohol, simple infections/viruses, prolonged medicine use and so on. Mine were put down by the doctor as extensive anti-biotic and steroidal use for a bout of pneumonia I had a couple of years ago, and this was backed up by the specialists too.

    You may well find that if your OH was to take another LFT that the results would be fine anyway!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    Thanks for your replies - I have been looking at other posts and it does appear that liver problems is quite a common occurrence. I was just not too sure whether it made any difference if your doctor states on your medical forms that the results are normal or if it would still be taken up further regardless of this.

    I thought for a laugh I might still make hubby detox - anyone got Gillian McKeith's latest book He's due to go for a poker night as well tonight can just see his mates faces if he was to tell them he wasn't drinking and brought out a bag of nuts instead of ordering a pizza.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Torbay, Auckland


    Quote Originally Posted by Davvie View Post
    Hi Guys,

    We have just received our medicals back and although our doctor has stated that everything is fine with no significant or abnormal findings, we are concerned as some of our blood test results are slightly outside of the normal ranges. Specifically OH's ALT & GGT - all other LFT tests are fine.

    Do the CO's review the blood test sheet and refer you for anything that is outside the norm or do they take into account the panel doctors view??

    Would just like to know what everyone else's experience has been on this before I put OH on an alcohol ban and a diet of water, pulses, lentils and mungbeans for the next three months!!!

    Many thanks
    Hi Jenny,

    You mite have come across one of my threads on this site.
    I unfortunately failed my medical back in March last year because of my BMI, but all of my Liver Function test where fine. But I recently submitted my new medical after losing weight, the MA passed me on my BMI but I had raised levels on my LFT’s. Medical centre never informed me of this (not happy). Had to go and see a consultant £600.00 lighter, had to have a scan of the liver and new blood tests. My ALT level was five points above the level NZ request. Scan was all ok and new blood test I was 15 points below NZ level. When I had my medical I was full of flu, so I am not to sure if this can affect your results.

    If you are really concerned and time is on your side, I would have a new blood test done.
    Unfortunately time is not on our side, we are flying to NZ on 23rd February

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    at the bottom of the top bit


    Quote Originally Posted by Davvie View Post
    anyone got Gillian McKeith's latest book
    ive checked my poo and LFT is fine

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Hi Karen,

    Well done on reducing your BMI but what a bummer about your LFT results.

    Just out of interest are there actual limits for ALT and GGT that NZ medical assessors use or do they just use the ranges that are on your individual blood test results.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Torbay, Auckland


    Quote Originally Posted by Davvie View Post
    Hi Karen,

    Well done on reducing your BMI but what a bummer about your LFT results.

    Just out of interest are there actual limits for ALT and GGT that NZ medical assessors use or do they just use the ranges that are on your individual blood test results.

    Hi Jenny,
    They have a range will email you later, when I get home

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dunedin ,New Zealand


    OH had slightly raised ALT,GGT and LFTS but fortunately this wasn't raised as an issue.He does like a drink so I was relieved.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Owhiro Bay, Wellington


    I wouldn't worry about it. If your doctor checked the "no abnormal/significant findings" box, the CO won't have any reason to hold you up for the medical check. If you're a worrier and it's keeping you up at night, go get another blood test done and the results will likely be different.

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