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Thread: Medical Questions

  1. #1

    Question Medical Questions

    Hi All

    I am on the booking of medical stage and have a couple of questions.
    Where do I start ??

    Do I need to go and see my own G.P. do they do some of the tests and then the Panel doctors do the BMI and measuring.
    Who does the X Rays and is that a seperate thing.
    Who does the blood test my own G.P. or ......

    Sorry but this section is really confusing me.

    Thanks so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    44N to 43S; Oregon to ChCh


    If your country has panel doctors you must use one of those.
    I'm not actually sure how it works in panel doctor countries (US has none) but my doctor had to book me in for X-rays and bloodwork. I believe you can book your X-rays first or separately, but you may need to wait for the bloodwork in case the doctor decides you need the discretionary tests. Whether your (panel) doctor has blood drawing and X-ray facilities in house is up to them really. If they don't they may be able to recommend some. I'd call the panel doctors if you have them and ask what you need to do RE: blood and X-rays.
    The X-ray technician needs to sign the X-ray portion of the medical form (which will travel with your X-rays to your doctor) and similar with the blood technician and blood results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    New Zealand (formally USA)


    Hey there,

    I looked at your previous posts and it looks like you are in the UK. As the previous poster mentioned, you need to see one of the appointed panel doctors. From reading posts on here, these panel doctors are very familiar with the emigration medical forms so you should have no issues at all.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wellington, New Zealand


    If you are in the UK then the panel doctor does the medical and the tests and the x-rays (depending on where you live - some places you have to have the x-ray at a different place because the panel doctor doessn't have the equipement).

    Check to see if it is cheaper to travel a little way from home as the nearest is not always the cheapest. We live in north Buckinghamshire and the closest was Northampton. But it was significantly cheaper - even after we added in the train fares - to travel to London and go to a panel doctor there. How Northampton can justify charging more than Knightsbridge is beyond me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Cornwall UK


    WE are in the same boat
    We go as a family for our medicals on Tuesday.
    We have gone through one of the panel doctors on the immigration web site.
    I phoned PANEL DOCTORS surgery and they booked me in for medicals and then I had to phone the hospital to make appointments for the same day to do the xrays. ( It happens to be the same hospital for both)

    The doctors have asked me to print off relevent medical forms off the website, complete the bits relevent to us and then the rest is done by the nurse or doctor at our appoinment.

    Word of advice I have a 13 year old, when i phoned one panel doctor he wanted to charge me full medical for my 13 year old as she is adult rate, and the other PD has charged me at child rate.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Cornwall UK


    Other bits since reading your thread again.
    If you are recieving any regular medical treatment or have recently recovered from any illness or are post op then you will need to take a letter from your consultants or doctors to take with you for the medical.

    I recently underwent knee surgery and son asthmatic so have to have that all in writing with us.

    All the medical is undertaken by the panel doctors and so shop around as we found differences in prices.

    We live in cornwall and found that the panel doctors do the medical in the surgery and xrays in the hospital. This would have meant 2 trips over two days.
    We then found Devon Panel doctor and they were a little more expensive, but they didnt charge us adult rate for our 13 year old and all the tests, xrays are being done on the same day in the same place. Although the examinations where more expensive, take away the 2 days off work and travelling twice devon won.
    So weight it all up.

  7. #7


    Hi All

    Thanks so much for replies.

    I currently live in Devon in the uk so I have found out that there are panel doctors close by.
    We as a family hardly ever use our G.P. so I do not have to get info from them for the panel Doctors ??? ( Is that correct)

    We have an 11yr old so thanks for the advice I will check how much they are quoting
    (How much should it cost for children)

    Thanks again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    New Zealand (formally USA)


    Quote Originally Posted by Plymgirl View Post
    We as a family hardly ever use our G.P. so I do not have to get info from them for the panel Doctors ??? ( Is that correct)
    Hi there again, not sure how things work in the UK but I hardly ever went to a GP. In fact, I did not have one when I moved out West from the East Coast. So, I had to find a GP through my insurance company, go to him and it was the first time I ever had seen him! LOL So, I did not require any previous medical records for my medical. I am very healthy so my exam was a piece of cake, even the blood draws.

    Now, on the medical forms themselves, they do assess previous medical history.

    Here is a link to get to the forms...

    Click on the very top link and a PDF of the medical forms should come up.

    Hope this helps.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Plymgirl View Post
    We as a family hardly ever use our G.P. so I do not have to get info from them for the panel Doctors ??? ( Is that correct)
    Unless you have any ongoing health problems that the panel doctor might need to know about you don't need to do anything about your GP - you don't need to tell them or ask them anything.

    The medical form that the panel doctor needs to complete asks about medical history - they ask and you answer. Panel doctor will listen to your chest with a stethescope, will ask you to read the letters on an eye chart, will take blood to be tested, will weigh you and measure your waist (might not measure waist if you are obviously slim) can't remember what else, not a lot, I think. YOu will also have chest x-rays.

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