We had our son's medical referred to a Medical assessor and now they are referring it to NZ to the Ministy of Education for assessment of ORRS funding. Then it gets sent back to her the CO and then gets referred back to the MA again! My son is 4 with Speech apraxia and has had some other developmental issues that have now pretty much resolved.
Am I gathering our chances of getting in our pretty much nil?
CO quoted this on ORRS funding:
A4.10.5 Assessment of whether an applicant for residence is unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's special education services
The requirement that an applicant for residence must be unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's special education services is not met if the Ministry of Education (MoE) has determined that there is a relatively high probability that the applicant's physical, intellectual, sensory or behavioural condition or group of conditions would entitle them to Ongoing and Reviewable Resourcing Schemes (ORRS) funding.