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Thread: ORRS funding?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    UK to USA to Waikato, NZ

    Unhappy ORRS funding?

    We had our son's medical referred to a Medical assessor and now they are referring it to NZ to the Ministy of Education for assessment of ORRS funding. Then it gets sent back to her the CO and then gets referred back to the MA again! My son is 4 with Speech apraxia and has had some other developmental issues that have now pretty much resolved.
    Am I gathering our chances of getting in our pretty much nil?
    CO quoted this on ORRS funding:

    A4.10.5 Assessment of whether an applicant for residence is unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's special education services

    The requirement that an applicant for residence must be unlikely to impose significant costs on New Zealand's special education services is not met if the Ministry of Education (MoE) has determined that there is a relatively high probability that the applicant's physical, intellectual, sensory or behavioural condition or group of conditions would entitle them to Ongoing and Reviewable Resourcing Schemes (ORRS) funding.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I believe you can still argue your case on the grounds that your contribution to NZ society will outweigh what your son needs. Not sure if they class that a medical waiver, but it's sort of on the same lines. I'm sure someone who knows the detail will be along soon. Then of course, there's the question of what constitutes 'significant costs' - that does allow a bit of leeway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Raumati South


    Interested to see where you go with this. Having unsuccessfully tried to obtain ORRs funding 3 times for our son I am fully aware on how high/low the bar is for this funding.
    For example at age 5 if your child can count to 5 they would already be on the road to NOT achieving ORRs.

    Good luck either way - I suspect NZIS are using this area as a way out for many applications

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Cambridge, Waikato


    I haven't had a single child I work with with severe childhood apraxia of speech get ORRS funding. In fact they don't fit any of the criteria as there is no criteria for communication difficulties, so I rarely even applied for ORRs funding for these children unless they had significant other disabilities. Children with severe communication difficulties get their funding from a different pot which basically means that they receive a speech and language therapy service in school and may also have a CSA (Communication Support Worker) fundede to work with them for a small amount of time for 1 or 2 terms.

    In short, your child will not cost the state anything like the amount that an ORRs funded child will cost.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Te Puke, Bay of Plenty


    Our son is brain damaged, has epilepsy, has absolutely no speech at all, right hemiparesis and cannot eat and drink independently at all (he could not take in any food or drink without a teacher aide's help). We came over from Belgium almost 5 years ago. We have made 3 applications for ORRS funding, all declined. He goes to mainstream school and has 16 hours per week High Health Needs funding though but that's just 'thanks to' the epilepsy.

    I always have the feeling though that children with ORRS funding are better off (can access more support) but I think it depends on the severity of the disabilities.

    As Sam B already said I don't think your child would fit any of the criteria.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Scotland to Rangiora


    I think I read somewhere than less than 1% of kids in NZ received ORRS funding and the bar does seem pretty high compared to those kids who would have had Statement/Record of Needs or CSP in UK Given that there have been significant cuts to special needs budget this year too i can't see the criteria changing or the numbers increasing any time soon...

    All the best and hope you get some clarity soon

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    UK to USA to Waikato, NZ


    Thanks for all the replies. Just a quick update.
    Got a reply back from CO..paperwork back from NZ, referred back to MA in London, I guess, have to wait 3 wks or so.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Christchurch from Scotland


    The waiting is a killer isn't it. Our CO had told us we should hear within four weeks, that was up on Wednesday, we still haven't heard..

    Who needs fingernails???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dunedin ,New Zealand


    We arrived 4 months ago and was lucky enough to get ORRS funding before we arrived for our daughter and she goes to a special unit at a mainstream school(3 children to 2 teachers) each case is individual,We did have to fight our case but in the end it was decided that we would bring more to NZ to cover the significant costs for our daughter.Good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    UK to USA to Waikato, NZ


    Hang in there, please keep me posted. Britzy,
    Did you have to apply for a medical waiver? I am hoping with job being on shortage need list that may help? Am I correct in thinking you and your hubby are nurses?

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