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Thread: Disappointing - Hep B

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Wellington, NZ


    Sorry to hear you are having problems. I had medical issues too, but it has all been sorted with a medical waiver. For the MA I supplied letters from my specialist explaining the condition, how things are normal, I am healthy, not on any medication and the chances of a major problem is low. The letters didn't help much though, and my case was at the MA 4 times with 4 different letters, all rejected. At the end, the medical waiver was the only option left. As far as I can tell, saying you will get private insurance etc, doesn't help at all. Other people might know a bit more about this.

    Good luck!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Hi Unar,
    What was the process for medical waiver like?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Sandwich Islands


    Isn't it ok to say that we will not take any medical benefits for next 4 yrs and get it sorted?
    Chronic conditions have lifelong maximums of $25k, not 4 years. [But even if it were only 4 years, NZ would not go for your deal.]

    For starters, I'd recommend testing for Hep E antigen. If that's negative, he's in fairly good shape. ALT you've already said was normal; here's a nice study to reference for the MA:

    No matter what, OH is likely in for a 6+ month wait of blood work, liver scans, and biopsies, but I suspect that a halfway decent hepatologist can easily counter the MA's statement.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Wellington, NZ


    I PMed you.

    Quite a few people on the forum went through the MA and waiver process. Have a search, lots of useful info on here.

    good luck!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Thanks Una, it was much useful information. Probably has saved quite few days of endless search for me.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hi unar, is that possible to send me the information as well. I am quite keen to know about the medical waiver process.

    Thanks a lot

    Quote Originally Posted by unar View Post
    I PMed you.

    Quite a few people on the forum went through the MA and waiver process. Have a search, lots of useful info on here.

    good luck!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    One thing I am wondering about the skill migrant application process. If my hubby's medical doesn't pass. Can I still get approved for PR as I am the principal application and hubby is the dependant applicant?

    I am not so sure about this.

    Anyone can shred some light on this?

    P.S. I am currently looking for a specialist who can provide me the details report. It is so expensive in London. Private health clinic charges more than £200 pounds for an intial consultancy. We will try to get the NHS hospital specialist to write that report but it is so difficult to contact him. Will try again tommorrow.

    Also, do you think it is worth to reply to my CO to tell her what im going to provide her? Or just keep quiet and send whatever docs i have before the deadline mentioned in her Letter??
    Last edited by lynnepow; 24th September 2009 at 11:53 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    44N to 43S; Oregon to ChCh


    Quote Originally Posted by lynnepow View Post
    One thing I am wondering about the skill migrant application process. If my hubby's medical doesn't pass. Can I still get approved for PR as I am the principal application and hubby is the dependant applicant?

    I am not so sure about this.

    Anyone can shred some light on this?
    Yes this is possible. However, once you do this, if the person was eligible for inclusion in the original application they will NOT be eligible for a medical waiver in the future. Our CO told us it was worth it to see it through to the end before deciding to go that route.

    Also, do you think it is worth to reply to my CO to tell her what im going to provide her? Or just keep quiet and send whatever docs i have before the deadline mentioned in her Letter??
    I would let her know that you have sent the documents and what is included when you send it so she can watch out for it. We had to do that as a few times it looked as if our documents would be late arriving.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    D'port, Auckland (ex UK)


    So having had a look at the letter, i would say the most relevant part of it for you is this:

    The Medical Assessor has given the following reasons for these comments:
    'This individual is eligible for treatment of Hep B in New Zealand. This treatment is expensive and there is a high relapse rate and further medication is also very expensive. This is a chronic long term condition with long term possibilities of liver cancer and cirrhosis. if he is treated and found 6 months after treatment completed to be viral free would then be o.k. but at the moment not acceptable standard of health.
    I have emphasised the comment from the MA that may help you out (as long as the results the MA is looking for are possible in that time frame)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BkyMonster View Post
    Yes this is possible. However, once you do this, if the person was eligible for inclusion in the original application they will NOT be eligible for a medical waiver in the future. Our CO told us it was worth it to see it through to the end before deciding to go that route.
    Thank you so much for this information. We definitely will fight till the end. However, can I please ask if we go down that route, do I need to file a new application or it could be my existing application with my current CO.

    Quote Originally Posted by BkyMonster View Post
    I would let her know that you have sent the documents and what is included when you send it so she can watch out for it. We had to do that as a few times it looked as if our documents would be late arriving.
    Just sent her an email to tell her that I will be sending some docs and ask if she has any suggestion/advice to give. Hope she is nice.

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