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Thread: 3 year degree

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Question 3 year degree

    Hi yall,

    When i graduate I will have a Ba in Primary education with QTS it is a three year course. Is this enough to teach primary in new zealand. i read tht although 2 years experience is prefered it is not essential. Just from the qualification point of view is a three year degree in primary education enough? Something else I read said that in NZ the degrees are 4 year for primary ed.

    I dont want to send off all the stuff and pay the fee just to be told my degree isnt enough to teach in NZ!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Poole, UK to Chch, NZ


    hi Nat, someone else may be able to help further, but the skills shortage list seems to say

    New Zealand registration AND three years relevant teaching experience

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I had found an email someone had posted from teachnz saying that they accept nqts from uk. Was just wondering if my degree would be enough of a degree. Thanks sophie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    You could contact them and ask about your own specific qualification, to set your mind at rest one way or the other.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    made it to the other side


    my teaching degree that was accepted by NZQA and NZTC was a 3 year B.Ed but also second what Sophiebd says about minimum 3 yrs experience.

    think that it is GTP that NZ struggle with but think that if you can provide evidence of experience in support they are happier

    Details are on ANZSCO list of skills

    have read that if an overseas student does a teaching degree in NZ then they can apply for NZ jobs but haven't read about overseas NQTs being able to

    check with NZTC what they will accept before you pay for anything

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks guys. X

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I found the post that made me think that you could get over as an NQT

    Funny thing is both you sophie and you teadrinker are on the post!

    I've emailed the teachers council myself now so hopefully will have it cleared up. Its horrble to think that I might have to wait three whole years longer to do this! Oh well good things come to those who wait.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    We all get that 'it's horrible to have to wait' feeling, I think. I know as soon as we decided we want to go, we'd like to have been there yesterday, with all the formalities done and dusted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Poole, UK to Chch, NZ


    Quote Originally Posted by natcat86 View Post
    Funny thing is both you sophie and you teadrinker are on the post!
    lol, my brain is swiss cheese..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Here is the email that I got back,

    If you wish to be employed as a teacher in New Zealand for more than 10 full days or 20 half days per calendar year, you need to apply for registration and a practising certificate. Any questions regarding residency applications or work visas should be directed to the New Zealand Immigration Service

    To apply for registration as a teacher in NZ, you are required to complete the TC0 – Application for Teacher Registration and 3 Year Practising Certificate form which I have attached to this email. Along with this completed form you will need to provide the processing fee of $200.00 and also any other documentation as requested within the form and guide. Please read the guide carefully and use other parts of our website for guidance eg: police vetting.

    The following link to the TeachNZ website might also prove useful

    The standards that need to be met for teacher registration in New Zealand are the following:

    are of good character and fit to be a teacher; and
    are satisfactorily trained to teach; and
    are or likely to be a satisfactory teacher and
    has a police vet satisfactory to the Council
    The Council has discretionary provisions that allow it to consider applications for registration from people who do not hold approved teaching qualifications. This pathway, called Track 2, requires the applicant to provide a package of appropriate material for the Council to consider whether the applicant is satisfactorily trained to teach and that the person has completed comparable tertiary qualifications. The Council makes the decision to approve or decline such applications.

    A teacher is "satisfactorily trained to teach" if they provide documented evidence of the following, which will be assessed together as a package.

    Appropriate tertiary qualifications relevant to teaching in the New Zealand early childhood or compulsory education system. Must provide certified copies of all academic qualifications together with official course transcripts.
    Teacher education that is acceptable for teaching in the public education system in the country of origin and is accompanied by further appropriate advanced qualifications. Must provide certified copies of all teacher education qualifications, and official course transcripts as well as a copy of New Zealand Qualifications Authority evaluation.
    Recent teaching service normally amounting to the equivalent of five years full-time teaching, (although a lesser or greater time may be determined by the NZ Teachers Council), and to have been principally in institutions relevant to teaching in New Zealand. Must provide proof of type of employment, dates of employment and the type of institution.
    English language proficiency (both oral and written) for the purposes of teaching. Where qualifications and/or experiences have largely been in a non-English speaking situation, you will need to meet the Teachers Council language proficiency policy. Click here for the policy details on language proficiency.
    Being a satisfactory teacher as demonstrated by evidence of: formal processes of "induction", "classification" or "registration", involving appraisal and supervision. Written evidence must be supplied.
    Evidence of positive appraisal through increasing responsibilities and/or
    promotion. Written evidence must be supplied.
    Continuing education, professional development and in-service training.
    experience as a "trainer" of teachers or professional supervision of other
    teachers. Written evidence must be supplied.
    The unqualified support of a school principal or equivalent person in the
    case of an early childhood centre. Applicant must supply a letter on official letterhead, signed and dated.
    Any other exceptional matters which the Council may consider relevant.

    In all cases the NZ Teachers Council may require additional evidence.

    Please note that salary rates are the responsibility of the school/centre and the Ministry of Education.

    A teacher should not be offered a teaching position in New Zealand until the application for teacher registration has been successfully finalised unless the offer to be employed in a teaching position is conditional on getting approval to be registered as a teacher and be granted a practising certificate.

    I hope this is of help to you.

    So it does look like i will need three years exprience. Oh well

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