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Thread: Ita- limited time to process?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Ita- limited time to process?

    I could really do with some help to hopefully ease my peace of mind!
    Have submitted ITA (April 2010), only to be asked to provide my registration from NZ Teacher's Council, which unfortunately I was unaware I had to provide. After discussing the matter with INZ I have sent my application off to NZQA for my full assessment, (only had pre-assessment- level 7).
    This is where nightmare has begun; they have requested so much info all of which is going to take time. I have spoken to INZ who have ALL other requested info to process and they said to get registartion to them asap. My concern is that there will be a limit to how long they are prepared to wait, (some documents I need to get are taking between 4-6 weeks to come!!) and either process my application without registration from T C or just reject it. Can anyone throw any light on this issue please.
    Thanks, Nikki.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Antwerp --> Auckland


    I'm a secondary teacher and still in the early days of the process with a succesful EOI and ITA still to complete. I received a letter that I have 4 months time for the ITA and nothing is mentioned about any extensions or exceptions to the rule. I'm sure someone else can give you a better idea about that.

    About the assessment and the registration with NZTC I can give you my timeline which is not very optimistic in this regard. It took NZQA over 5 months to get my quals assessed as they weren't familiar with my degrees and needed a lot of third party advice from my uni. I also had to provide them with a lot of extra paperwork which took me ages to get together and they only start the assessment after they've received everything. NZTC only needed 5,5 weeks to grant me registration which is the normal timeframe. They automatically receive a copy of your NZQA report so that goes pretty fast given the fact you provide certified copies of everything they ask.

    I'm not sure how you're EOI got through because mine got deselected first, partly because of the missing registration which was still pending at the time and partly because of my degree. Luckily confirmation on the registration came few days later and only then EOI was successful.

    I'm terribly sorry this is not an "Hooray-message" or an "Everything will be all right-message" but I do keep my fingers crossed for you and I really hope everything works out for you within the given timeframe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Auckland, NZ


    Hi Kath, I'm Nikki's OH.

    NZQA had already pre-assessed Nikki's degree at level 7 (it was, according to NZQA, a recognised degree from a recognised university) for the EOI and on that basis we received the ITA. (From a purely logical perspective it would seem a pretty poor show for NZQA to now retract that pre-assessment grade as it was the catalyst to the entire application proceeding). The ITA was submitted within the four month time frame albeit with certain aspects overlooked, i.e. full NZQA assessment and registration with the TC, hence our concerns now on time-frames.

    From your reply it seems that you've done things a different way by applying for a full NZQA assessment and registration with the TC prior to submitting your EOI or even getting the ITA? It sounds like we've missed something major if this is the correct route for submitting an EOI? Nikki certainly didn't receive a rejection based on lack of TC registration and, tbh, we weren't expecting to be. Being offered an ITA seems, again, to be the logical time to apply for registration....although we missed that even at that stage; but you specifically mention that it was one of the reasons you were initially rejected at the time of your EOI?

    All the stops are being pulled out to furnish NZ Immigration, who it should be said are being very cordial atm, with the missing information that they require and they are aware of the delays involved in trying to rush organisations that don't want to be rushed, i.e. NZQA and the TC, but if they are to make a decision based purely on what they have already, without this information, then we'll be absolutely gutted that we've gone so far down a route that has been both costly and emotional for the entire family only to be rejected at the final hurdle. It's not helping that NZQA have also requested 'O-Level' certificates from the eighties which we are now having to chase up copies from an examination's all taking way too much time I fear

    Whilst our situation is probably hard to replicate by other forum members it would be great to hear from anyone who had to deal with queries raised by NZ immigration on their submitted ITA's and the time that they were given to resolve them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by sheepynik View Post
    either process my application without registration from T C or just reject it. Can anyone throw any light on this issue please.
    Thanks, Nikki.
    If it helps, NZIS will always process the application based on the information provided i.e. they won't just reject the application.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Antwerp --> Auckland


    I came here on a research trip last year during which I visited a few schools and from my talks with principals I learned it was important to have the full assessment before applying for registration as the registration itself is a condition to work as a teacher in New Zealand.

    I double checked with where you can find the 4 steps to follow with full assessment and obtaining registration as the first 2 steps.

    When I submitted EOI my application with NZTC was still pending so I couldn't confirm (it is a separate question on the online EOI) that I was registered as a teacher and therefore I wasn't considered a skilled migrant hence EOI not succesful. (Not accepting my degree was simply a misunderstanding and easy to rectify.) Only after receiving my registration and practising certificate they considered me Secondary teacher and issued ITA.

    I have 4 months to complete it but due to the fact that most of my paperwork was already requested by NZQA and NZTC it is merely a formality which won't take too long hopefully.

    I really don't know what happened in your specific case as the registration is an important element in the SMC-route but I can imagine this must be very hard for you and like I said, I really hope this works out for you well!

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