Hi. Me and my partner are in NZ (4 weeks and counting!). He was a teacher in the UK, trained through the GTP and has 5 years experience as QTS. Because of him not having an academic teaching qualification (i.e a PGCE), he had to register via Track 2 registration. He supplied the NZTC with everything they asked for, but has received a letter back this weekend informing him that his registration has been declined because he has no academic award for teaching. They already knew this!
They're being pretty unhelpful, their only suggestion has been that he do a teaching qualification here and then try registering again. Possible, but ridiculous considering he has spent the past three years training new teachers in the UK. They had no other issues with his application - they were satisfied with his teaching record, other qualifications and his references.
They have told him that they have registered GTP trained teachers before, but can't (or won't) tell him what the difference was between his application and those that were accepted.
Has anyone got through this minefield personally, with a GTP? If you haven't do you know any teachers that have? What did you/they have that he hasn't?
I completely understand that the NZTC has the right to register who they like, but why offer this route in the first place if they knew that they would decline him.
Thanks for your help in advance...