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Thread: NZQA - IQA - Certified copies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default NZQA - IQA - Certified copies

    According to this page, it is said that passport certified copies are required to be sent when you will be assessed for IQA. Is this true for all candidates, or it is restricted to those who have changed their names and need to support that information ?

    Apparently I got all my documents translated, but I need assistance of you guys to submit my iqa petition shortly. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    According to this page, it is said that passport certified copies are required to be sent when you will be assessed for IQA. Is this true for all candidates, or it is restricted to those who have changed their names and need to support that information ?
    According to that page, they want a certified copy of the ID page of your passport or driver's licence, for everyone. The point of this is to prove that the qualifications you are submitting really do apply to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    what about certified copies of course material? as i have transcripts/detailed market sheet, do i still need to submit my course material?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Auckland, NZ


    Hi, I have just completed the assesment a short while ago.

    Yes you'll need to submit cerified copy of transcripts and detailed mark sheets because this will speed up their processing immensely. Without them, they might have to request it from your university, who might charge you for the service.

    Send everything you think might be useful! They'll return everything anyway, so no worries.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    i am worried because for some unknown reason , i got an error while i was trying to print my final IQA application, i have paid the fee as well. is there any one have idea where to send my all origional documents, i mean IQA courier address. is that for same for all applicants? IQA guide says you need to send your coversheet along your documents at

    Qualification Recognition services

    is this the address where every one has to send their coversheet and documents? as i am unable to print the coversheet, so what i suppose to send with documents? can i just write down my Application ID and signed by myself? please guide me... i am already late

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I understand you are anxious. I expect the problem with giving you an answer is that everybody who has had a cover-sheet in the past sent it off with their originals, so doesn't now have it to refer to. In any case, they are probably done for each applicant individually. As the instructions say that the site will generate a cover sheet for you to print off, and it failed, I think you need to complain about this to NZQA directly - it is only a few hours now till the office will be open. It is their site's failure that has caused you the problem, so if the delay is because of that, nobody should be blaming YOU.

  7. #7


    Jand ,Probably cover sheet was visible but he could not take print out due unexpected error at user end system. I think this is thing not to worry and NZQA would request if they really need this cover letter and u can submit it later referring to your application number

    Q. What will happen to my application if it is incomplete?
    A.If the application you submit is not complete NZQA will notify you. If after six months you have not
    submitted the outstanding requirements, NZQA will close your application. No refund will be given
    if you fail to submit a complete application. NZQA reserves the right to return original documents
    to the last notified correspondence address (or retain them until you provide the courier fee or
    prepaid courier bag) and the right to request a full application fee if a new application is submitted
    at a later date.

    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    I understand you are anxious. I expect the problem with giving you an answer is that everybody who has had a cover-sheet in the past sent it off with their originals, so doesn't now have it to refer to. In any case, they are probably done for each applicant individually. As the instructions say that the site will generate a cover sheet for you to print off, and it failed, I think you need to complain about this to NZQA directly - it is only a few hours now till the office will be open. It is their site's failure that has caused you the problem, so if the delay is because of that, nobody should be blaming YOU.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Thank you everybody,
    they have sent me the coversheet, i have already printed it out and courier it. Now waiting for the result. thank you once again all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Good to hear that. All the best.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Does anyone know if you can take a scaned copy of a certified document to the embassy with your application (orignal in NZ snail mail taking longer then they say), will they accept it or will they want the orignal?

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