We are newlyweds from Canada, moving to Napier on a 12 month Working Holiday Visa. We are checking TradeMe and SEEK everyday for job postings in the area, but we thought we might as well post on here just in case. I know not everyplace looking to hire posts on job sites, so hoping someone with their ear to the ground in Napier might see something we can't.
We will both be looking to get jobs ASAP and will pretty much take any job we can, to get us on our feet (full-time/part-time, days/nights/weekends). Here is a very, very simplified version of our resumes:
Her (Amanda)
High School Diploma (with honours)
Horticultural Technician Diploma (with honours)
Floristry Diploma (with honours)
Work Experience:
Cashier (2 years experience)
Horticulturist (4 years experience)
Florist (1 year experience)
Him (Tory)
High School Diploma (with honours)
Bartending Diploma
Horticultural Technician Diploma
Scriptwriting Diploma (with honours)
Work Experience:
Drug Store Stock Boy/Bike Deliveries (2 years experience)
Park Ranger/Office Clerk/Customer Service (4 years experience)
Bar Assistant (1 year experience)
Electronic Store Salesman (2 years experience)
Horticulturalist (3 years experience)
We will be arriving in Napier on November 9th, so if you hear/see about any job openings that fit with either of our education/work experience OR any jobs with no experience required, please let us know!
Amanda and Tory