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Thread: EOI form and QF5a

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    UK -> Blenheim, NZ Aug 12

    Question EOI form and QF5a

    Ok- got my NZQA IQA back today and am now finishing off my EOI application. There is just one problem that I have in interpreting the online EOI form: It states in section F5a (where you are asked whether you hold a repot from the NZQA assessing the level of the qualification)-

    What are the reference number, type and level assessed by NZQA?
    followed by Reference Number (and a box). Does this then mean the Application number on my report (as there is no number called reference number anywhere on it!)

    The next box is a selection box with: Preliminary, Interim and Full as the choices. As I have an IQA, rather than a PAR- does this mean I select Full?

    Looking in the operations manual hasn't flagged up the answer- so hopefully someone else who has completed the online form can help!

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    UK -> Blenheim, NZ Aug 12


    Also- one more question that I need help with: on health (c7 do you have any condition that is likely to require ongoing treatment or medication) - I have hay fever and a mild skin condition that occasionally needs a steroid cream. Do I put this down? Or is it only big issues that require expensive treatment?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I don't know about 1), but guess that has to be right. 2), yes, 'Full'. 3) I think you don't need to include things that are occasional small annoyances, so it's down to you to judge - are these conditions things you get an odd over-the-counter remedy for, or a spray a couple of times a year, or are you much more regularly back to the doctor about them?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Manchester > Now Tauranga


    Quick answer, apologies for any bluntness. As with all things on the form answer the question. The question isn't "Do you have any major medical conditions that are certain to require very costly medication frequently" The question is do you have any medical conditions that are likely to need ongoing treatment or medication. The answer to that is yes. So list it. They can then ignore. I have both asthma and a skin rash that flares up once or twice a year and has done for the last decade. No dramas with ME referrals at all. Just be honest. Same applies to all of the questions. Answer the question as written, not as you think they meant to ask it, or how you judge the answer to be important.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    UK -> Blenheim, NZ Aug 12


    Brilliant responses- and what I was expecting (so have detailed my ailments)...

    Thanks :-)


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