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Thread: Problem with Dogs' rabies immunity

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    United Kingdom

    Default Problem with Dogs' rabies immunity

    Hi Guys,

    We're in the UK and moving to Auckland soon -

    We had both of our dogs rabies jabs and while one of the dogs immunity when we subsequently got it tested was fine, the other dogs immunity was not even close to where it needed to be.

    She has now had a 2nd booster and is due for her 2nd blood test tomorrow - results in a about a week -

    Does anyone have any experience of this as I'm absolutely bricking it that her immunity won't be up to scratch - it really doesn't bare thinking about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Scotland to Wellington


    No idea what advice to give but hope it all goes well!

    One thing I can say though is that when your dogs arrive, keep a close eye on them, don't do too much to over-exert them and if they show any sign of being stressed and unwell, take them to a vet immediately. They can be susceptible to gastric bloat - I found some info about it here.
    We had to take one of our dogs to the after hours vet.
    I realise that this might add to the stress but if we hadn't know about the possibility beforehand and left our dog to settle down he might not have survived. Flying straight to Auckland will be easier, our dogs flew from heathrow to AKL and then there was a long delay collecting them as they arrived on a Saturday of a bank holiday weekend, and then we had to drive down with them in a hire car from Auckland to Wellington as they couldn't fly onto Wellington. So they had a long long journey.

    Best wishes to you and your dogs!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Fingers crossed that the second booster will be sufficient.

    I am worried and waiting for rabies serum results for our dog. Booster was in Feb but we made the decision in July to return to NZ in December this year so really hoping that his serology will be OK. If not we'll have to have another booster but will run out of time before we fly back as need three months from blood test to shipping date.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Hello and welcome.

    Hope all goes well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    When did the dog have the 2nd booster?

  6. #6
    Manks's Avatar
    Manks is offline Serial procrastinator and general busybody
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    UK->CT, USA->Wellington, NZ


    She should be fine. Smith2182 had the same issue with their dog and she's now seeing out her six month "quarantine" at grandma's house, living the life of riley. We moved our dog from the US so she already had the rabies jab (standard practice in order to control the disease) and no issues there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    United Kingdom


    Hi All,

    Thanks for the replies and sorry I haven't written back - we moved out of our house last week and I put my OH and youngest daughter on a plane to NZ last Thursday.

    Anyway, the good news is that during day 2 of the house removal I got a phone call from the vets to say that Tess had passed her 2nd blood test and would be able to come with us.

    I burst out crying on the phone as I hadn't been able to come to terms with the fact that she may not be able to come with us.

    As somebody else said above, Tess is now, along with our springer, Charlie Brown, living the life of riley at Grandma's - I caught her feeding them chicken today!

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