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Thread: Is Christchurch good place to start the life for new migrants?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Sri Lanka

    Default Is Christchurch good place to start the life for new migrants?

    As I updated in my other thread, I was offered JSV last week. Recently there is good job opportunity in Christchurch and my job agent asking my final word to set the job interview soon. It’s permanent long term job and seems to the company also very good for me. But the issue is relocating Christchurch might be a risk. I need forum advises for this. Since I’m in an IT field and having more than 7 years international experiences, there might be good opportunities in Auckland or Wellington as well. But don’t you think the bird in hand is worthy than others? This prospected employer going to interview me online and give a job offer. Initially only I’ll be moving and later my family (wife and 2 kids) going to join with me (after 4-6 months down the line)
    My questions are,

    1. Is Christchurch good place to start the life for new migrants?
    2. How is the school situation in Christchurch? My kids are in 5 and 7 years old.
    3. How is the actual climate there? Specially winter season situations??

    Hope somebody will help me to get the correct decision quickly.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Scroll down to the bottom left to the 'History and Almanac' section, and you can access details of what the weather has been day by day, all through the year, as well as seasonal averages.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New Zealand

    Default Christchurch

    If you have a job offer and you like quiet and relaxed life then Christchurch is good place to settle down otherwise Auckland might be a better option. Schools in Christchurch are fine. You should take house in an area which should fall within zone of your preferred school. Weather is fine but Christchurch has experienced large number of aftershocks which might be a problem for family. However, we have not experienced any significant aftershock since last Christmas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Christchurch New Zealand


    I have been living in CHCH since Nov 2011 and loving it. It is a relatively small city with relaxed life style. I have had more time to spend with my family here than in any other place. Property valeus are lower than in Auckland but rising lately. If you are not after the hustle and bustle of a big city, then CHCH is a great place.

    Our 4.5 yrs old son will be starting school soon and we have been visitng local schools lately to choose the right one for him. We have been impressed with all the schools. We have had excellent feedback about the schools in western suburbs specially. We are mostly looking around Avonhead, Russely areas.

    Weather is a a bit on the colder side for me. Summers are nice and temperate, winters will have many frosty nights with an occassional snow fall.

    Lastly the aftershocks seem to have died down in last few months (No guarantees for future though )

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Zealand


    It's incredibly difficult to find places to live in Chch at the moment, unfortunately. Most of the people I know agree that there is a property shortage in Chch like never before. It'll be worse if you are trying to find a place from overseas. The winter weather is okay, mild by Canadian standards, horrible by Australian ones. Auckland has much milder winters and less fluctuation in temperatures.

    There are pros and cons to each; some of the Chch suburbs are incredibly beautiful in the way it seems only the South Island can be (at least to me), and it's a much more relaxed place, but Auckland has the city life and all the benefits that come with that.

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