17th January 2013, 07:36 PM
Welcome... Please Read
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5. Political or religious discussions must be carried out thoughtfully, with respect for other posters' ideas, and be relevant to life in New Zealand, immigration, or reasons for leaving your own country. Don't bash politicians, political parties, or religions and don't form political/religious social groups.
6. If you wish to libel someone, do it on your own website. Posts which are potentially libellous will be removed as soon as we become aware of them and the member's forum privileges will be reviewed. Your posts must not fall foul of libel laws in any country where this forum is read.
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13. If you believe a post breaks any of these terms of use, please use the "report post" button at the bottom of the post to report it to the moderator team. Do not try to deal with the matter yourself by arguing with the person who made the post.
14. This is a privately owned forum. We reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
15. We reserve the right to accept or decline membership applications, vary forum privileges, and terminate the membership of anyone for any reason.
16. Although the administrators and moderators will attempt to keep objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of ENZ New Zealand Forums, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
17. These terms of use will be reviewed and changed if necessary in the light of experience.
18. If a new member posts in the Introductions Forum, other members are free to welcome them. If a new member posts outside the Introductions Forum, welcome messages should be posted only if they accompany answers to the new member's questions or respond to substantive points or issues raised by the new member.
19. Unless you are a Licensed Immigration Adviser or immigration lawyer and have said so on the forum, do not give formal immigration advice on the forum. You may draw attention to publicly available official information, giving a link or reference, and you may share personal experiences. See the explanation of NZ law, and discussion, on this thread. http://www.enz.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24859.
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