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Thread: Can I claim bonus point with Masters?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Question Can I claim bonus point with Masters?


    I am working in London as Web Developer. My experience is just 2 years now. I would like to migrate to New Zealand.

    Unfortunately I don't have Bachelors degree in IT field. I did Degree in History from India then I moved on to UK.
    Here I completed short term degree course(graduation in computing - 6 months) then I did MSc Internet Applications Development.

    My question is that can I claim bonus point with Masters ?

    please reply if any body know. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    I'm sorry, but when the listing states the requirement for some particular kind of degree, it is EXACTLY that that they want. I see that a lot of careers in IT have this as a requirement.
    Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Information Technology (Computer Science, Information Systems or other Information Technology) OR Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology AND a minimum of three years' relevant post-qualification work experience.
    The reason for the 'bachelor's, level 7' is here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Hi JandM,
    Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.
    Can I ask you one more question ? From your point of view is there any option for me to migrate Nez Zealand with my academic background. (BA History, MSc Internet Applications Development, 2 year Work experience as Web Developer) ?

    thanks for your help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    You could try having your short degree course assessed, to see what level they would give it. IF it came out as a 7, that would solve your problem. (This is a story which is happening for many people who learnt IT as it happened, not after it was established and there were university courses in it. It's the same thing for older artisanal workers, who have years of practical skill, but are increasingly being asked to show paper qualifications which didn't exist in their younger day. I've seen some people on the forum who've gone back to 'train' in something they already know at expert level - in some fields, it's possible to do this by distance learning or at night school, alongside the regular work.)

    Otherwise, I wonder if perhaps you might be able to get in with a job offer, if you couldn't get bonus points for LTSSL. This isn't my field. Is there someone who works in IT who can help with an opinion, please?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    hmm yes, this is a problem I face. I did a Masters Degree in Aeronautical Engineering, graduating in 1996. I then got a job in a large IT / Technology / Consulting business developing software solutions for Aerospace and Defence applications. My entire career has been in IT / Technology / Software Development (17 years experience. Despite both Aeronautical Engineering and ICT being on the skills shortage lists, I can't claim bonus points for either.

    I can't claim bonus points for my 17 years of IT experience because I don't have a degree in IT / Electrical Engineering. Likewise I can't claim points for Aeronautical Engineering because I haven't been working directly in Aeronautics, rather I've been working in the Aerospace and Defence domains but doing IT related work (software development / project / programme management).

    It seems that the INZ criteria to demand an IT qualification, even though IT degree courses weren't very common at all back then, is rather restrictive.

    For this reason, I will not be getting bonus points and will have to rely on getting a job offer to get me in!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    I worked as the head of IT in a NZ Polytechnic, so I might be able to help a little. A six month Grad Cert is probably not going to be considered enough credits to get the needed Level 7. In NZ someone like yourself with a degree in another subject can enrol on a full year Graduate Diploma in IT. This is worth 120 Credits at Level 7. A six month course would be seen as a Certifiate of 60 credits (probably). However, your Masters will help in some ways (without meeting the LTSSL criteria) , but it's hard to know how much. At which Uni did you do your Masters and in which year did you complete it? I am going to be having a conversation with some helpful people at INZ London next week and could raise the issue (without mentioning your name of course.)

    Kind regards


    PS Many IT jobs in NZ like someone with 3 - 5 years experience, if you can come up with a plan and are prepared to hold for a year, it might be easier to get a job. Also, I keep hoping that INZ will listen to the qualification issues in and around IT and look to consider professional qualifications such as MCSA, CCNA etc as part of the process. You never know!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Karen, are there the same issues with a bachelor's degree (level 7) being demanded, if the person with a relevant Master's (but maybe a bachelor's in another subject) has a job offer and applies for a work visa, rather than Residence under Skilled Migrant?

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