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Thread: Car from UK to NZ ... RUST & V5 doc ... HELP PLEEASSEE!!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Yes, he did and he was very helpful.
    Also talked to Rene at AANZ an he's been super helpful.
    Talked to VTNZ a bit too, but not much different to AA and a little less forthcoming.

    The final decision is that we're not going to get any rust treatment done in the UK, we'll do it in NZ.
    I now also know how I want it treated, so when I'm in AKL looking for car yards I know exactly what to ask for - so in 3 months time I'll have some good recommendations Im sure. (the guy with the MG garage may well turn out to be the best choice, but we'll see)

    By the way, the best source of info on rust treatment do's and don'ts that I found was a TVR forum
    Last edited by UKNZ; 21st June 2013 at 07:53 AM. Reason: minor typo

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Picton New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by UKNZ View Post
    I'm not normally one to cry for help, but I'm getting really vexxed here, so if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

    We're due to be loading our container in about 3 weeks, and I'm in a bit of a tailspin about taking a car. Obviously we need to decide ASAP because we need to decide which size of container to take (with car or not). There are 2 things that I can't get my head round though.

    (1) RUST .... I finally managed to get the car we're about to buy onto a ramp yesterday, and the body is pretty good, but the rear axle and nuts and bolts are very rusty - just surface rust, mind, but lots of it. Here are the pics I took of the underside: ..... I took it to a main dealer (always a bad idea) and they said that to clean it properly you'd need to drop out the axle, exhaust pipe and 4x4 mechanism, which would be about £1000 before you start. Not what I wanted to hear. What do you think, will it get through? Should I get it treated beforehand? (maybe if I take lots of pictures to show it was done properly?)

    (2) V5C REGISTRAION .. The other thing that I'm losing sleep over is the V5C registration document. We plan to buy it early next week, if all works out with the rust, but DVLA say they take 4 weeks to change the owner, and we leave in 3. The shipping company say they can't load it without a V5C, but when I called DVLA, they said the shippers could call them for verification that the V5C is in my name - and they pointed out that the V5C doesn't prove ownership anyway. So I have DVLA telling me it's fine and the shippers telling me it's not - what should I do?

    Any help really appreciated

    Hi I brought a 2 year old Outback over in 2011. It had the usual rust on underside nuts,bolts and exhaust and went through compliance with no issues.
    Whole process including Reg and Wof was under $1000. Car was also shipped full to the brim with boxes of our stuff.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by UKNZ View Post
    By the way, the best source of info on rust treatment do's and don'ts that I found was a TVR forum
    I know this is an old post and you're likely not still on the forum...but maybe worth a shot. Do you still have a link to that TVR forum?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    UKNZ was last on the forum just over two years ago, so you may be out of luck, but you could try sending him a PM - the link sending him an alert may still be active.

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