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Thread: Have Job Offer but Company requires to get visa first.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Have Job Offer but Company requires to get visa first.

    Dear Forum Members,

    I'm working in a multinational company with branches spread all over the world and couple of branches in NZ too. I was able to contact that representative office in NZ and was able to gave them video interviews and cleared them too. my current office GM had a conversation with NZ office GM to accommodate me but there were limitation that time and the NZ office told me that once i have permission to work in NZ do contact them and they will accommodate me.

    Now the question is,

    1) --> if i submit all these email and communication between my current Office and NZ office will it be beneficial taking in to view that i am doing this to make my case strong enough to get residency permit directly, avoiding work permit.
    2) --> for my application CO is still not assigned , should i wait for CO to be assigned and then dispatch all these proofs. or dispatch is now.
    3) --> if i want to dispatch these proofs what is the process and contact information. I am assigned with London Branch.
    4) --> once these documents are received will it be attached to my application.
    5) --> will there be any notification that London branch have received these documents other than courier notification.
    6) --> what is the probability that these might not get lost once received by London Branch due to work load.

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    1. If you are thinking this set of emails etc. would count as a job offer, no, it wouldn't. A job offer has to be a formal offer in writing, including all the small print of the contract, not conditional.

    2, etc. Therefore, there is no point in trying to send them to INZ.

    Near the end of the processing of your application, if you haven't had a firmer job offer, your CO will interview you with a view to assessing your ability to fit into NZ life and contribute, and your employability. THAT is the time this conditional offer can be of use.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Many thanks JandM, I agree this is not a solid evidence and this cannot be set as a job offer, but sure it will have at least a bit positive impact.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    This is a unique occasion you have. I would advise you to write a formal letter to your company instead, explaining to them that they will have to formulate the offer officially for INZ to give you a work visa.
    This is a vicious circle. You will not obtain job without work permit as it is an offense, and its very difficult to obtain a work permit without job offer. Break the circle and you'll be there.

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