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Thread: Unable to submit your EOI for SMC?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Unable to submit your EOI for SMC?

    I learned something new today. Maybe I should have known if I had read all the small print. I confess to feeling slightly embarrassed that I didn't realise BUT given I have just had to spend several hours re-doing someone's EOI, I thought I would share. If you have previously submitted an EOI for SMC and for whatever reason it failed, was refused or not selected, you have to create a new login before creating a new EOI. Nothing stops you from completing a new one on your old login - except that when it is all complete, checked, validated and you are ready to submit, there is no "Submit" button. The answer is there in the Knowledge Base, but as I didn't know it was going to be a problem until I reached this point I had never thought to look! I hope this saves someone else from the same waste of time and effort.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Thanks for sharing and it is true "You learn something new every day"..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    New Zealand


    Dear Karen I need your suggestion
    I am working for skilled job in NZ. want to apply for residence doing skilled job for 8 months boss is also happy. just wanted to ask what kind of inquiry they will do from my employer? please tell me in detail so that I can see whether my employer would support me or not. please answer me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    I would love to tell you exactly what INZ will want - but every case is slightly different and so it is impossible to predict. What they need to know is that you have the qualifications and/or experience for the job you have in NZ as per ANZSCO, that it is genuinely skilled (match between your job description and the ANZSCO for an occupation included in Appendix 6), that you have been paid at the appropriate rate for this (see - for a rough guide) with tax paid appropriately (they might want IRD records) and that the job is sustainable - that is that the company is financially sounds and likely to continue to exist into the future. They will also want to know that this is genuine employment and not just a paper exercise - from a friend or relative wanting to help you or someone getting paid to do this (a bit like sham marriages only different). If you meet all of these requirements, neither you nor your employer have anything to worry about. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    New Zealand


    ahhh what a relieve
    Thank you very much Karen for your quick reply your suggestions were a cool breeze in hot weather.
    I have seen Anzsco part in my case. experience in not required only the qualification required and my qualification is well above then the required and my level is skilled level 1.
    I have few questions
    What do you recon can I submit supplementry employer form in advance as well along with residence application?
    I have a lot of experience but in NZ skilled experience is one casual paid in UNI and other is the one which I am working? can I include my casual skilled kiwi experience?
    I have few experiences in non labour market should I include those as well although I will not get points?.
    I am worried for labour test market?Have you ever heard that CO asked from employer why you hire this person in smc? becaz in essential skillwork visa they asked.
    please help me may be you already guess from my soo many diferent and upside down questions how much confuse I am
    Thanks in advance

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Okay. The need for work experience to be in a Comparable Labour market does not apply if you have obtained skilled employment in NZ on the basis of your previous work experience in another country (wherever it was). When you say you have a qualification above the ANZSCO requirement, you do need to be careful as a masters degree, for example, is not a substitute for a bachelor degree - even though it is higher. By "supplementary employer form" do you mean INZ1113? If so, this applies to certain Work Visa applications, not to residence applications. It is not needed for residence. The casual employment in Uni would only work if you had by this time already met the qualification requirement for your occupation, in which case you could count it on a pro rata basis - e.g. if you were working 10 hours a week you could count every 4 months as 1 month. Finally, if you are applying for a residence visa there is no Labour Market test - in other words, your employer does not have to justify having employed you rather than anyone else. So long as you meet the ANZSCO requirement you should be fine. So, biggest questions is about your qualification. If you wish to send me a Private Message with the exact details, I will take a look and get back to you - I may not know the answer, but I will see what needs to be done, if anything!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    "So, biggest questions is about your qualification"
    Hi Karen, your reply has helped me understand many aspects on the EOI application that I am doing
    Need your help with my case. My job role is ICT Sales Representative which requires the following qualification: "Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience and/or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification"
    I dont have a bachelor degree completed in NZ but have Level 8 post grad diploma...hence, i have the following questions that i desperately need your help on:
    1. it states "bachelor degree or higher qualification" will my Level 8 be counted as higher qualification hence qualified even if my bachelors is not NZQA? it was completed in India
    2. I have over 5 years of work exp. in ICT (UK talktalk telecom but working in a call center) however the Job description of this exp. doesnt match the ICT sales rep job as this is purely B2B (business to business) whereas my experience is sales with consumers not businesses....if it makes sense
    3. My hubby has skilled job Appendix 6, part A - Training and Development Professional, does he also need to prove his exp. study etc?

    Please advise.

    Many Thanks!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I know Karen is currently travelling, so will not be seeing forum posts routinely at the moment. Look out for a reply when she returns.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    Thank you!
    Would you be able to help me?

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