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Thread: Residence under partnership

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    new zealand

    Default Residence under partnership

    Hi, Guys

    I am married with a NZ with a Kiwi man, Since we married i got 1 year work visa and few months ago i got more 2 years work visa. From now we will apply for a Residence. Well i dont understand, could some one explain for me that...So after i take this residence status i must wair 2 years to try get the permanent ? Its right what i und ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Once you have a residence visa you must spend at least 183 days of each of the next 2 years in NZ and then apply for permanent residence. There are a fe other ways of achieving this, but this is the simplest. Permanent residence is a simple and cheap process, not like applying for residence in the first place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    new zealand



    Thanks so much to answer me....If u dont might i would like to take some advices.

    My relationship is really going not well...So if i get separation with my work visa under partnership, i will lost my sponsor...and i could be deport.
    Do you know others way to try apply to i could change my status visa to student or use the skills migrant?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    But if you had Residence, separating afterwards would not make any difference to your visa status. You could then get PR after two years, without having to be still with your partner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    new zeland


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    But if you had Residence, separating afterwards would not make any difference to your visa status. You could then get PR after two years, without having to be still with your partner.
    I am having the same issue, I already got the residency through partnership, really not happy the way the things are, But I am afraid that if I do decide to split up,that she might try to prejudice me in some way making me loose my residence visa.. before I get my permanent visa , which will be in 12 months time. an advice to all, don't think partnership is a easy way .. it is not, if you can study, work, go after your goal without relying in any people.
    I loved my partner when we started, not so much anymore now-its really difficult to separate when you want, its always a mix of feelings, gratitude and fear, that's is the way I am felling.

    I am feeling trapped

  6. #6
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    new zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    But if you had Residence, separating afterwards would not make any difference to your visa status. You could then get PR after two years, without having to be still with your partner.
    Sorry to more question......but because my situation starting become really critical...Some times when we desagree my husband tells me that he will not apply to the residence as i dont do the things that he wants. So if he separated to me in this step without apply my residence. Whats others option i could have to stay in NZ ( I have here with me 3 small kids from previous relationship, and my atual husband sponsered them too)...Now they are studing, they are used to live in NZ, i cant see positive side if we be liabe of deportation, because we will not have more the visa under partner.

    Thanks..but i am a bit desesperate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    You are not trapped.

    INZ checked out that your partnership was genuine before awarding you the Residence visa, so you had to be together BEFORE and DURING the application. Then you were granted Residence, and there is no condition upon that. You don't have to stay with your partner if the relationship has broken down.

  8. #8
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    new zeland


    I am sure you guys have guided many people through their process, I think the forum is great info database.

    I thank you for your advice, it's delicate for everyone in any part of the process I guess, I treasure NZ very much, and can't see my self living in another place but here,

    I think after 7 years here, would be sad to see all my efforts gone, I just want to make sure I take the right advice and can take this pressure out of my shoulders....

    basically I wait till july next year when I will complete 2 years as resident and add my passport and general information to the application , I wont need to include my partner's name on it, is it correct?

    I read in one other tread that the PR process is simple and fast.. is it right?

    thanks again

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    basically I wait till july next year when I will complete 2 years as resident and add my passport and general information to the application , I wont need to include my partner's name on it, is it correct?
    That's right.

    And yes, getting PR is much simpler than what you have already done, and much quicker, too. If you use the 'time spent in NZ' criterion as your proof of commitment to NZ, they can check that from the INZ computer, which has all the details of any times you went out of the country, and for how long, so there is hardly any evidence to gather.

  10. #10
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    new zeland


    I had many situations where I had to simply agree with my partner, on your situation, simply I would just shake the dust off and keep doing everything you can to keep your relationship going, sometimes things do not run the way we expect, you have 3 kids, think about them ...sacrifices are necessaries sometimes. keep your self focused on what you need,
    believe me if you learn to say " YES Babe" you will go far cheer up!

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