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Thread: Can I get a visa if my partner and I are in a de facto relationship and I am still married?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    United States

    Default Can I get a visa if my partner and I are in a de facto relationship and I am still married?

    Can I get a visa if my partner and I are in a de facto relationship and I am still married?

    I have visited and worked as an entertainer in New Zealand for 3 months earlier this year. I was getting out of a relationship in the U.S. and met my current partner in New Zealand. He is a citizen and I am not. I am CURRENTLY MARRIED in the U.S. but that relationship is over but not on paper. I wanted to know if that will be a problem with applying for a partner passport. Of course I would want start living my life with my new partner as soon as possible (for those of you who have been in my shoes, I'm sure you understand). I am not sure how long the actual divorce will be but waiting (and wasting money) is quite frustrating.

    Any thoughts are much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    New Zealand


    you don't need to be divorced to be in a relationship . INZ recognises relationships which are entered into with the intention of being genuine, stable and likely to endure. If your previous relationship is over, then that's all you need to worry about. you'll need to demonstrate you are living together (or intending to live together) and for a later residence application to have lived together for 12 months before it can be approved.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    new zealand


    Hi you also need to make statutory declaration that you are no longer living with your husband physically. Your circumstances the same as mine and no issue with immigration as long as you can prove that your relationship with your current one is genuine and stable.

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