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Thread: smc application transfered to london

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand

    Default smc application transfered to london

    I applied smc application in feb. 2014 then INZ transfered my application to london inz branch.Its been 6 months now,and still waiting for CO.
    can anyone tell me,why immigration taking long time to allocates the case officers.plz
    Last edited by savi; 22nd August 2014 at 12:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Everything at INZ works by managed queues. When your ITA was received, it would join the end of the queue of other ITAs, according to the date order. Each Case Officer has a certain workload - a number of cases that are theirs to deal with. The newly arrived ITAs have to wait till one of the COs has finished with some of their cases, and can take on some more. When an ITA is eventually assigned to a CO, it will again join the back of THAT queue for the CO's attention, as s/he takes the top file, does what s/he can actively do, puts that file to the back, works everything s/he can on that case, goes to the next, and so on.

    There is no way to tell how many other people's ITAs were in the queue to be assigned already, on the day yours arrived. There is no way to tell how easy or difficult the cases already being worked in the office are turning out to be, which affects the time passing until COs are ready to take more files into their personal allocation. There is no way to tell if three experienced COs in that office might leave and need to be replaced, with the new COs needing training. There is no way to tell if there could be a flu epidemic affecting the whole building.

    And that's just how it is normally. Yours went in at a time when the whole system was stressed trying to deal with all the extra applications from people being admitted to NZ to help with the Christchurch rebuild.

    Another thought... Are you SURE you don't yet have a CO? It can happen that a case is allocated and the official starts working it without making contact with the applicant, if all the paperwork is in order and they don't need to ask for any extra information. They don't HAVE to send an email to say hello. Some people have thought they were still waiting, then they got told their result! - or, in the case of people without a job offer, a call to arrange their CO interview. During all that time, the processing had been done and the whole thing was almost over.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    hello JandM
    Thanks for reply.
    INZ asked some questions to my employer in the first week of june then my employer sent answers in june last week.after that immi wellington transfered my file to london nz branch.INZ telling me that my application in managed ques.whats that?
    Last edited by savi; 2nd September 2014 at 02:16 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    It just means it's waiting with other cases to be dealt with in date order. When one of the COs has finished off some cases and has room for some more, files are allocated in the order they were lodged.

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