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Thread: Student visa: Failed one semester worried

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    New Zealand

    Default Student visa: Failed one semester worried

    Hi all,

    I'm about to apply for a new student visa (my third one)

    The problem is, in my second year of uni, first semester, I failed all my papers at course as I found out I was pregnant and got depressed.

    The second semester of Year 2 was better, I got my act together and passed my papers.

    Year 1: Passed
    Year 2: Fail all papers in S1 then passed S2

    Now I'm applying for a new student visa but I'm scared they look at my bad grades and reject me even though I tried hard to improve in semester two? I'm scared they will deport me for last year's visa, or prevent me from getting me a new student visa

    what to do now, Thanks in advance!

    Best regards
    Last edited by sheepland; 13th June 2015 at 01:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Has your university criticized your record? If they are happy with what you are achieving now, since you recovered from the drop in your grades, and have a place for you on the third year of the course, it is very unlikely you would have any trouble from INZ. It's your academic supervisors who decide if your work is good enough, not government officials.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    New Zealand


    Hi JandM

    They put me on conditional enrolment on the proviso I have a study plan which I have submitted. (Also, I am back to second year as I change my degree to marketing from accounting) But yes, I still can attend uni. I'm just scared that they will deport me as I didn't attend all classes in Semester One and (they will know when they see my grades) as I failed terms and all papers for S1 was 0. Since attendance is one of the conditions, they might say I violated last year's visa and thus I can't get a new one. Or my residency will be rejected.

    Thank you for replying to me I appreciate your help very much!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I can't help. Actually, nobody can, because it would mean going back in time and telling you to get yourself to your classes and do your work. Basically, you would like someone who doesn't know you and is totally outside the situation to read the future for you and let you know if you will have been successful in smoothing things over. Don't worry - this is just human nature, and lots of people make similar posts. But, excuse me for being blunt, you have to live through this next space of time, wait and see what happens, and THEN you'll know.

    I think it might be a good idea to go and talk to the person at your university who is responsible for overseas students. Tell him/her what you are worrying about, and see what the reaction is. That person will have experience of many people before you who have messed up part of their academic course because of an emotional upset - it is entirely normal. And they will know what has been done in that situation by INZ, also, so there may be something there to reassure you.

    Meantime, whatever you do, be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you don't get behind with your studies. Even if you are worried, you have to have a second voice in your head that says, 'No, you know that piece of coursework is due. Being worried is NOT a reason to sit with your partner and have a drink. Poor you, you are worried, and now, poor worried person, go and write the best essay you can.' I am very sure that IF there is a query about you from INZ to the university, the authorities will be calling in your tutors to ask how you are doing now, before they make a reply. You need your tutors to be able to say that you have been working hard and have not missed the deadline for anything you should have done.

    I hope it all works out and you have managed to get yourself back on track.

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