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Thread: CO not responding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default CO not responding

    Hello everyone,

    I have submitted my resident visa application over a year ago now and it's in Wellington branch.

    Before 2 months my co advised me that my application is for a 2pc with technical advisor , after 1 month my co sent email to my employer regarding description of one of my job duty , my owner already replied to that email a month ago and whenever I call to contact centre they always say that my co is waiting for a reply from my owners.

    I have sent an email to my co 2 times regarding my application and she is responding to my emails and even not answering her phone , I left a voice message couple of times but still she is not responding anything.

    Today contact centre officers provide me the phone number of TA , so I'm confused that should I call him or not.

    PlZ someone advise me on this , what should I do now

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    If INZ's own workers have given you the TA's contact number, you certainly have the right to use it.

    my owner already replied to that email a month ago and whenever I call to contact centre they always say that my co is waiting for a reply from my owners.
    All COs have to work their allocation of cases in rotation. They take the first, do everything they can for the time (sending out queries, or ticking off replies), then put that to the back and take the next, then the next, then the next, and so on. They don't take any file out of order. Any replies go to your file wherever it is in the queue, and the CO won't see them until it's your file's turn to be looked at again. So your file will have gone to the back after the CO sent that out to your employer, and the 'waiting for employer's reply' thing will be the last thing that was entered in the system that is visible to the call responders, who aren't right in the same place with the CO. Your CO won't have seen your employer's reply yet, where it is sitting waiting in your file. She will have been working other people's files in the meantime. And it is just possible that she's been away sick, or on her holiday, in the time since you got worried and started emailing and phoning her.

    Also, she is not authorized to finalize your case till she has the result of the 2pc from the TA. She CANNOT do anything. From her side, it may well be that she has told you the latest thing she knows - that the TA is looking the file over. INZ officials' job focus is to process cases - they are not meant to send 'empty' emails (e.g. 'Dear Mr Applicant, I have not yet had a reply from your university so I have not been able to do anything new with your case, and it is waiting in the queue') as this takes up time when they should be working something that HAS arrived and CAN move someone's situation on. Therefore, quite often, you don't hear anything for some long time (and it always SEEMS long to the person waiting).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    Hello Jatinder
    My case officer also asked advise from T/A From wellington 4 months ago and She haven't got any reply from T/A yet.

    someone told me in forum that T/A is not 2nd pc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Hi savi, I have no idea about that but according to my CO she told me that my application is with TA for 2pc , so that means TA also do 2pc's , anyway fingers cross hope will get a update soon .

    Good luck to you as well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    A technical adviser is an experienced senior CO, with the right to decide how the regulations are applied in non-straightforward cases. A CO may need to consult one of these people in the middle of working a case, as with yours, savi. Or the whole case can be passed to a TA to be second person checked, as apparently yours has, Jatinder.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    Thanks JandM & Jatinder
    Hello Jatinder
    In which INZ branch your application processing?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Wellington branch and yours

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Hi Jandm thanks for the info,

    One more question like I haven't had any interview and not even call from inz , co just send email to my owner about employment verification that's all nothing else
    Is that the good sign for me coz after rant she sent my application TA

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    New Zealand


    My application processing in london branch.I had interview in december 2014

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    It's no sign of anything. COs refer to a TA if they're not sure how someone's situation fits with the regulations. They have to wait till the reply comes back, as that is the instruction what to do.

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