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Thread: Blenheim & Area

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Waikanae via Yorkshire

    Default Blenheim & Area

    I've just been told by the recruitment agency they have a job at Blenheim Hospital available, and they'd like me to go for it - does anyone know anything about the area?
    We don't have any kids so schools aren't really a concern atm, more what the town is like, we're not after anything too fancy or busy, just a nice place!

    That really sounds better in my head!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sumner, Christchurch NZ


    Many people would love to have the opportunity to live in Blenheim. Many would be appalled at the choice.

    It is very small and a long way from anywhere - 5 hours drive to Chch, 3.5 hours on the ferry to Welly. Nearest place of any size is Nelson, a town of 40K - 50K (I think) which is about an hour's drive away. It is the main town for the Marlborough region, and is very close to the Marlborough Sounds which are very very very beautiful. A bit like Kendal, I suppose, but with much better weather - it's one of the sunniest parts of NZ.

    It is on the rail link to Chch (1 train a day) and has a small airport (flights to Chch and Wellington).

    The town has a decent supermarket and as a holiday centre has more than its fair share of amenities (for a town of its size). As small towns go it seems very pleasant.

    It's a huge wine area - around Blenheim at least 50% of agricultural land seems to be set to vines, and the local produce (esp Sav Blanc) can be world class - Cloudy Bay / Hunters / Wither Hills etc etc.

    If you like the bright lights it's not the place to be. If you're more of a country person then it could be dream job!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi Questor

    Congrats on the job offer!
    We had a short stay in Blenheim in December last year, when we were scouting out places in NZ to move to.
    Not sure if this is any help as we were only there for a few days.
    I remember it being a small town on a large plain, with a couple of rivers crossing through it. To the south on the horizon are rugged grassy hills, and to the north the bush clad hills of the Marlborough Sounds. The town is not quite on the coast, its fairly modern with not a huge amount of 'older' (in NZ terms) buildings.
    The plain around the town is crowded with vineyards (which produce excellent wines).
    In my opinion Blenheim not the most beautiful town in SI (sorry any Blenheim residents), BUT it is next to one of the most beautiful areas, Marlborough Sounds.....ahhhh happy memories.
    Can't dig out any photos.....all deep in a cupboard.....but there are photos of Marborough sounds on our website, if its any help.

    ITA still to be submitted.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Waikanae via Yorkshire


    All in all then, it's nice, but not THAT nice?

    I'll have to see what sort of salary they're offering!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    christchurch (formerly essex)


    Nothing to stop you starting off there and doing the 'suck it and see' thing. you can always move if it doesn't suit.

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