Are you by any chance from some Christchurch publicity organization? You're answering on a thread that is nearly four years old. Many of those on the thread no longer visit the forum.
The Key thing to look at is the Climate! Christchurch has by far the better climate of the two cities! Don't forget that Wellington is rated as the Windiest City in the World! Wellington has twice the rainfall of Christchurch. Wellington Celebrates when it gets a day in toe 20 Degrees C and last year Wellington got 5 days with Temperatures between 25-29 Degrees C with not one day being 30 Degrees C where as here in Christchurch we have countless days in the 30 Degrees C! Sure we get Frosty Blue Sky Days in Winter and probably far more frosts than Wellies.
So whats new on ENZ then?
Has the Climate suddenly changed in Wellington or something!
Just so he are not only talking to yourself...., climate isn't everything, though. People like different areas, and have to decide where they want to live according to other facts and requirements.
You didn't quite answer the question why you all of a sudden feel the need to revive a thread that has been, obviously, not been of any interest for anyone on here for quite a long time.....
Well I agree fully with Innogizer about the relative climates. But I prefer living in Wellington nonetheless. It is vibrant, with good outdoor life, and actually a beautiful city. That said, I visit Christchurch every couple of years and have to say that the CBD recovery is now in full swing; chalk and cheese from how it was.