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Thread: How long does it take to receive interview transcripts after the interview?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default How long does it take to receive interview transcripts after the interview?

    Hi all

    Just wonder how long it will take to get the interview transcripts after the interview? It seems that some get it straight away (same day) but for us, it has been several days since our interview already and we haven't received anything.

    BTW, we sent our ITA documents package early (15 days before deadline) and CO didn't ask for any additional documents until now. Do you think that would mean my application is "strong"?
    Please give us some hints on this as we're quite nervous with the coming outcome (which CO said it would take around 1 month).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Not all COs send out transcripts of the interview. So you may never get any.

    The other part of your post is looking for hints about your outcome. Really, there aren't any certain clues.
    we sent our ITA documents package early (15 days before deadline) and CO didn't ask for any additional documents until now.
    The timing is nothing. People can send in an application just after they get their ITA, or meet the deadline by minutes, and it can still fulfil all the requirements. The CO hasn't asked for any additional documents or information because so far, s/he has found that everything needed to tick off the requirements has already been supplied. Good for you. But it could still happen that the official doing the second-person check (the process that comes next) will point out to your CO that something else needs to be requested.

    Do you think that would mean my application is "strong"?
    So far, it appears that the CO feels you have met the requirements on paper. If you hadn't done, more information would have been required, and s/he would not have interviewed you. The interview is something that happens after the paperwork has been verified. As long as that is all in order, now, your outcome depends on what you said at interview. The details are given here of what the CO has to look for.

    Based on what you say in the interview, the CO decides between three outcomes.

    1. You can be judged suitable for Residence. You get told you are 'Approved in Principle', and provided you pay the Migrant Levy and send in your passport within the time limit, you receive the Residence visa label in your passport (in the form of the 'blue sticker' you see people talking about on the threads).

    2. You can be judged as rather doubtful on several things the CO is looking for, but good ENOUGH that INZ will offer you a chance to be in NZ and look for work: if you get a skilled job and work in it for three months, you will get the Residence you applied for. This visa is the Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Visa (SMC JSV, otherwise known as 'deferred Residence'). You have to take up the offer within the time specified, then travel to NZ within three months, and you only have nine months after you arrive in NZ to get the job offer. The JSV is ONLY for the principle applicant to travel to NZ. If s/he gets a skilled job offer leading to Residence, though, any other family members on the original application will get their Residence at that time. (On this forum, we sometimes say bluntly, this is the 'we don't think you can do it, but here's one chance to prove us wrong' visa.)

    3. You can be judged to have failed on enough of the things the CO is looking for that you get refused.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Thanks JandM for your detailed explanation.
    So it seems that the outcome for my application depends much on the interview now. I just wonder if INZ takes much into consideration the effort one makes to find a job in NZ while he/she is still in his/her home country? (Something like though you might not get a job yet, they do count when you send your CV/contact recruitment agency there).

    I'm a bit worried now because I told my CO that I haven't contacted or applied for any job there, but wait until I go there so that I'm available for the interview. Also, for my profession which requires communication skills, recruiters usually want face-to-face meeting so they can assess the potential candidate. Besides, I told my CO that even so, I follow up with those job ads on recruitment websites and also contact my friends in NZ (who work in the same field) for a recommendation when I get there. Do you think this is convincing enough?
    I'm just afraid they think I didn't do enough work to find a job there and then give me a JSV, which I'm not really looking for that
    Please provide your personal view on this.
    Last edited by KandT; 26th March 2016 at 01:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    That is just ONE aspect which you're now thinking you COULD have done differently, I suppose because of posts on that thread. Yes, some people do start applying while still abroad, but you didn't, and you told the truth, and you had a solid reason for the way you've done things. There's no point worrying about it, now that you've said what you said. The CO won't judge on just this ONE issue - s/he will be thinking over the whole impression you made.

    (Of course, you are bound to be anxious. Everybody is, at this stage. You're not alone.)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by KandT View Post
    Thanks JandM for your detailed explanation.
    So it seems that the outcome for my application depends much on the interview now. I just wonder if INZ takes much into consideration the effort one makes to find a job in NZ while he/she is still in his/her home country? (Something like though you might not get a job yet, they do count when you send your CV/contact recruitment agency there).

    I'm a bit worried now because I told my CO that I haven't contacted or applied for any job there, but wait until I go there so that I'm available for the interview. Also, for my profession which requires communication skills, recruiters usually want face-to-face meeting so they can assess the potential candidate. Besides, I told my CO that even so, I follow up with those job ads on recruitment websites and also contact my friends in NZ (who work in the same field) for a recommendation when I get there. Do you think this is convincing enough?
    I'm just afraid they think I didn't do enough work to find a job there and then give me a JSV, which I'm not really looking for that
    Please provide your personal view on this.
    During my Interview with CO, I have not started any job application or send in CV to agency. I got approved early this month, so i think you just need to show that you have confidences, able to find job and support yourself before successfully getting a job

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Thanks again. You always know to put words in such a way that makes us feel more comfortable about what we're anxious.

    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    That is just ONE aspect which you're now thinking you COULD have done differently, I suppose because of posts on that thread. Yes, some people do start applying while still abroad, but you didn't, and you told the truth, and you had a solid reason for the way you've done things. There's no point worrying about it, now that you've said what you said. The CO won't judge on just this ONE issue - s/he will be thinking over the whole impression you made.

    (Of course, you are bound to be anxious. Everybody is, at this stage. You're not alone.)
    Last edited by KandT; 26th March 2016 at 04:49 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Congratulations to you. Great to hear about your case (and see you timeline) that makes me feel positive about mine. Except for that concern, I think I & my husband were quite positive and confident during the interview. Hope I will get good news soon. BTW, who is your CO (if you don't mine) ?

    Quote Originally Posted by dom85 View Post
    During my Interview with CO, I have not started any job application or send in CV to agency. I got approved early this month, so i think you just need to show that you have confidences, able to find job and support yourself before successfully getting a job

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