That's a long post to say you're not bothered about university rankings. Also, there are certainly politer ways to thank people for their opinions. It's fine if you don't go for that way of thinking and you're not planning a career in academia or in anything especially competitive; otherwise, although it's not the only consideration, the ranking of the university and its reputation among academics in the field does matter, particularly for research. It's not just snobbishness. It's about the quality of research produced, the academics working there, etc. I agree that the particular faculty/ department should probably be your main consideration when comparing universities of relatively equal standing. I would probably consider international ranking more important than the impression you get from the admin staff. But hey, whatever: you seem to know-it-all so good luck with that.
I maintain that there's not actually that much between Dunedin and Hamilton cities. That's not to say they are similar, just that both have pluses and minuses that make them about equal options, imo&e.