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Thread: Rough idea of cost of a 20ft container UK to NZ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Rough idea of cost of a 20ft container UK to NZ

    Hi All

    I know this is a "how long is a piece of string' question....... but

    Can anyone give me a rough up to date idea of the APPROXIMATE cost of a 20ft container to ship the contents of a residential house from Wiltshire UK to Christchurch NZ.
    No car, no bikes, no garden furniture, no children, no appliances and nothing that may contain any soil or creepy crawlies!

    Just the contents of a 3 bed house, furniture and stuff - (might even be able to squeeze it all into half a container although I expect a 20ft container will be needed?

    A removal cost any time in the last year should give me a good idea.

    Thank you so much.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    No idea, but I've sent 20' containers here to there a few times: Hmm, Colombo->Toronto, Montreal->Tunis, Tunis->Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur->Seoul. For what it's worth, with the packing and everything included (but not insurance), I've never gone above around GBP 2,500; other times was roughly 2,000. Of course I engage several movers, get them to work out estimates, break down and detail their costs more than they initially want, get them to explain why things cost more in some cases than competitors' quotes, get then to investigate better options on the receiving end, etc, and I'll even try to leverage good PR with my organisation and possible future business, and I'll take about 6 weeks or 2 month to do it. In general prices seem to come down to about 2/3 off the better starting quotes. Anyway, I'll be going through something similar in the future for NZ, so since you're asking pls update on how it goes for you, which we always hope people will do here.

    Never used a UK mover by the way. Have used AGS, a French one, 2 or 3 times few times. I imagine that UK companies (Crown...? I forget) would be better connected to NZ, but despite being pushed towards UK movers in the past (working for a Brit organisation) they've always come off as too expensive.
    Last edited by Asteger; 9th May 2016 at 07:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Scotland to Wellington


    The best thing is just to get some quotes. The removal companies just come to your house and have a look. All very straightforward. A lot depends (obviously) on how far you are from the port - the road shipping part is actually quite expensive compared to the shipping section.
    Things to bear in mind - don't be shy about asking if companies can improve on their quotes.
    Find out who deals with the move at the other end.
    You don't need to get the removal company's insurance - a marine insurance company like Letton Percival can give you a better deal.
    And don't forget smaller, local companies. They may offer a much more cost-effective service than a big international company like Crown.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    We paid about £3200 five years ago. Our 3 bed semi just fitted in 20ft.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Thanks very much indeed
    From yours and the other replies it seems 2.5k to 3K may be the ball park....
    That's what I was sort of expecting... so now it's just getting it organised!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Have you had any luck getting quotes for your shipping? I am just starting to look into the cost of shipping as well and would be interested if you found that your quotes were around the 2.5K - 3K mark?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Ionta10 View Post
    Have you had any luck getting quotes for your shipping? I am just starting to look into the cost of shipping as well and would be interested if you found that your quotes were around the 2.5K - 3K mark?
    Itonta - I guess if you're shipping from Por then it should be a similar cost, who knows even cheaper if the Portuguese end of things costs less than if you were in the UK, which is imaginable.

    Just re-checking what was above, I mentioned a 2,500 GBP figure for me, achieved a few times with patience and some negotiation. Just wanted to point out that in each case this also involved door-to-door service, ie. packing, shipping, clearance, delivery, unpacking. To be clear, it's not just about the container.

    Careful, though, as one could spend a lot more than this.

    Another caveat, as the most recent of my experiences and figures is from 2011. Things always get more expensive.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    I hope you don't mind me jumping on this thread but weve just found out we are moving to wellington in October . Does anyone recommend any shipping firms ? obviously looking at good prices , reliable and hopefully making the process as stress free as possible . thanks in advance !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Waimauku near Auckland


    Don't forget insurance... This could easily add another thousand pounds!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Ionta10 View Post
    Have you had any luck getting quotes for your shipping? I am just starting to look into the cost of shipping as well and would be interested if you found that your quotes were around the 2.5K - 3K mark?

    Hi, i have just been quoted £4200 for a 20ft 80% full container without insurance, from PSS

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