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Thread: IQA Assesment - Full time study

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    South Africa

    Default IQA Assesment - Full time study


    I'm claiming points for my wife's degree on my Skilled Migrant Visa application, however is is not on the list of exempt qualifications.

    Upon reading all the requirements for an IQA assessment on the website I saw the following text:

    A qualification is a complete programme of learning that is offered by an accredited education provider in the country in which it is awarded, at the time of study, and is a minimum of (approximately) one full-time semester of study.

    As my wife studied her degree part time while working, does this then mean that her Degree will not be recognised by the IQA?

    Please advise.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Many people gain qualifications by studying part-time, but it takes them a longer period of time to put in the hours to come up to what someone studying full-time does, e.g. someone doing a taught Master's f/t may get sixteen hours per week in contact with the lecturers/professors, and complete in one year, whereas someone doing the same taught Master's p/t gets eight hours per week and completes in two years.

    So NZQA saying "a minimum of (approximately) one full-time semester of study" could still apply to somebody who covered the same material over two semesters working part-time. They are pointing out the nature of the qualifications they can assess here, i.e. nothing with a smaller amount of content than would be put across in this time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    South Africa



    As always, thanks so much for your detailed answer. It makes sense now

    We will go ahead with the IQA Assessment then. Only issue is that my wife lost her Degree Certificate and although we have a certified copy, I see on the NZQA website that they only accept originals. Problem is that the University does not re-issue certificates, thus we are in a bit of a catch-22.



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