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Thread: What grows where in NZ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Palmerston North

    Default What grows where in NZ?

    Here's a question that I hope will get some answers from all over NZ:

    We are looking into emigrating to NZ, and want to know what fruits/vegetables/etc grow in the various parts of the country.

    So...what can you grow where?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Whitianga. Nz. Pop; 4004


    Well, I guess you can grow Asparagus quite well in the Waikato region.
    The people we stayed with up at Whitianga (Coromandel ) had a lovely veggy patch that they grew a variety of onions,pepppers, lettuce and other salad stuff in almost 12 months of the year so they said.
    They also had a Banana palm in the yard that carried lots of fruit, but apparently it never fully ripened. I think this may have had something to do with the sea air, as the property is only a matter of metres from the beach.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    christchurch (formerly essex)


    theres a lot of apple and pear orchards down Otago way and we have a couple of nectarine trees, a grapefruit and a lemon tree in the garden at Christchurch if that helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Palmerston North


    It's interesting to read that you can grow citrus fruit in Christchurch. Is this generally the case for the Canterbury region?

    I've read about olive groves in the north part of the South Island (Nelson, Marlborough). Can these be grown around Canterbury?

    Thanks for the info...helpful to us as we've never set foot on NZ soil (whole life spent under Ursa Major).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    ...Phew! re-read that, saw the under Ursa Major, first time around I thought it said "On"... I mean, I know people come to NZ from everywhere, but come on.... On re-reading though, the light dawned.

    Pretty much everything grows everywhere here in NZ.

    Citrus which is particuarly frost tender cannot grow in frosty areas, such as Rotorua/Taupo in the North Island, but pretty much anywhere around the coastlines you are fine.

    tropicals like Bananas only in places on the Coromandel and north.

    sub-tropicals like Tamarillos, feijoas etc, around the coast of the North Island and very top of the south, but not inland anywhere south of around putaruru in the North Island.

    Ummm... let's see, for example, here in Matamata. We cannot grow tropicals like bananas, we CAN grow avocados, but they never fruit coz of our frosts, however mild, nail the flowers. Loquats we get most years, but again, rosts can nail their flowers as well.
    Feijoas grow brilliantly here. Tamarillos, only just, again, frost tender. Kiwifruit grow well here too, but every few years you may be nailed by a late frost. Perfect for apples. Citrus no worries at all, have Lemon, grapefruit,orange,tangelo trees here at home or on the farm, all with huge crops, several varieties of each as well.
    All veges (yes, esp asparagus :-) ) will grow just fines here, huge areas of spuds, onions etc grown around here these days.

    For Avocados/tamarillos(tree tomatos) and other frost sensitives, the Bay of Plenty is ideal.

    Chch? touch and go for citrus I tink, you would need to cover them sometimes during the winters I suspect. However, in the nelson/marlborough area, the climate would be fine for them I think.

    Stone fruit/pip fruit tend to be best in drir areas, like Gisborne/hawkes bay, Otago in the middle of the SthIsland for apricots, and nelson/marlborough particularly, Nelson is famous for hteir cherries in the summer.

    Where were you heading? If it is somewhere in the north part of the north island, I could give you a pretty good idea of what will grow where.

    cheers, Stu.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mount Maunganui


    There's nothing better than picking your dinner up as you cycle your way round NZ!
    From what I remember:
    Avocado's in Corromandel
    Asparagus in Waikato
    Wine in Napier/Marlborough regions
    Nectarines/Plums/Cherry all stone fruit Otago (Cromwell)
    There's a huge plastic kiwi in between Tauranga and Whakatane, so I imagine they grow there.
    There's plenty more...
    Oh and my mum-in-law grows her own zuchini in Levin!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ashley NZ


    We are in North Canterbury and there are heaps of olive groves around here! Apart from that no good at plants etc so no use asking me


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Palmerston North


    Well I have been offered and accepted a teaching position in Chch, so we are now scheduled to arrive in NZ in the new year.

    Thanks to all for the info about what grows where. Now that we know we'll be in Canterbury, it would be interesting to know more details about what can be grown there...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    christchurch (formerly essex)


    theres a good second hand bookshop near the junction of Riccarton rd and Deans Ave. there are masses of gardening books there but be careful if you go and look for the NZ or similar ones. I've managed to find a couple but have yet to find a canterbury specific one.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    I'd say contact the Chch Public Relations Office, and get the number or contact details for a Chch garden club They, if anyone, will tell you!
    cheers, Stu.

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