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Thread: Partnership work visa 1198 help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    United Kingdom

    Default Partnership work visa 1198 help

    A followup from my first thread.

    We have decided to go for the work visa instead of residence application.
    Shocking how much the medicals are in the UK compared to NZ £420 ouch...

    Anyway my question related to the section D police reports.

    "You must provide police certificates from your country of citizenship and any country you have lived in for
    five*years or more since the age of 17"

    Am I right to be reading this as singular not plural, basically my GF has duel citizenship Moldovan and Romanian. getting a police report from Romania when shes never lived in that country and we have no plans on going there in the future could cause us a problem. (Only got the passport for EU access like so many others from her country)
    Would it be alright to just send in her Moldovan passport and not both?
    Alternatively we could select not Intending on living for more than 24 months but I'd rather not as we will still have the same requirements later on for residency anyway.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I found this on another website. I can't find anything on the present-day INZ website about making statutory declaration that you've never lived in one of your countries of citizenship, though they do mention that as a course of action if the country is difficult about providing a certificate. It sounds as though you need to suggest this to the CO. It would be quite understandable that Romania wouldn't give a certificate if your partner's never had an address in that country.

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