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I did understand your question. But you haven't taken in the import of the answer.
That is the title of a NZ degree, and yes, the bracket is mentioning a specialism. But your degree's title does not have to be the same. INZ are not expecting that every foreign applicant will have a NZ degree. They are expecting them to have a foreign degree, during which they studied approximately the same topics to the same depth for the same length of time as any NZ student would, who did that NZ degree, if they are claiming the bonus points. To find out if that is so, the foreign degree is looked at in detail, and compared with the subject matter for the NZ degree.
If you put in for IQA, you will need to tell NZQA that you are applying for SMC with (whatever) career, ANZSCO number (whatever it is), and ask them to check if your degree is comparable with the NZ ones in the LTSSL list for that career.
Thanks for answering in detail